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Rain pattered the windows of all the houses and apartments on a cold night. The storm had come out of nowhere. Even with the lacrima street lights, it became difficult for anyone to see more than five feet ahead of them. Frantic footsteps would have been heard if anyone had the audacity to venture into the weather. But the hooded figure was the only person on the streets. Feet pounded again the cobblestone road as they pushed their legs to go faster and escape the horrid mini storm currently plaguing Magnolia.

'No stopping. Keep going. Faster, further. No stopping. Keep going. Faster, further.' Their thoughts were on repeat. The figure couldn't stop, not yet. Pulling their cloak tighter around their soaked body the tiny figure ran faster until they stumbled and tripped. The tiny body met the stone street and immediately, everything went black. As their eyes closed and breathing steadied the rain seemed to slow and the clouds dissipated slowly revealing the beauty of the night sky.

A blond spiky teenager was walking back through Magnolia. The storm from earlier seemed to clear up surprisingly fast. Shrugging the thought away he trudged through the empty streets to his apartment, his hands in his pockets. He had his eyes closed as he walked but when he sensed a faint magical power pulsing nearby he opened one eye and saw a black heap in the middle of the street. Crouching beside the small body, the teen lifted the cloak to see a child with dirty sky blue hair and a scar across her nose. She couldn't have been any older than four or five years old. Without another thought, the lightning mage picked up the child and carried her limp, unconscious body underneath his arm.

"I knew I shouldn't have taken that stupid job, then I wouldn't have to deal with you." he sighed looking down at the poor girl.

LITTLE FURY ( fairy tail. )Where stories live. Discover now