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Not the best gif quality, but I hope you can enjoy the rest of the chapter!

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Natsu, Lucy and Gray along with Dealana's Edolas counterpart were standing in an amusement part they discovered within the king of Edolas' castle. In between them and getting to the king were two of the Edolas magic warfare unit captains, Hughes and Sugarboy. 

Dealana was beginning to regret not putting her mask on to hide her face, no doubt the two magic warfare captains would put two and two together to realize that the Bittercress Rose was much more than a simple tavern. They knew that Dealana Borialis helped run the establishment with Gavin Levi and Lorna Remnant. But with her also doubling as the criminal, Stormborn, Gavin and Lorna would be associated with her crimes against the king and brought in for question, or worse; execution. 

Taking out the two creeps within the amusement park was Dealana's only option if she wanted to protect her friends. She would still take them down any other day, but she'd rather not have the lives of her friends on the line.

"Mmm, will you be good animals and go back to your cages without a fight?" Sugarboy asked as he continued to ride the magic carousel.

"Tch, you don't give the cattle a choice," Hughes scoffed. "You just make them do whatever you want." Natsu wore a confused expression at their analogies and quite frankly, Dealana found them a little odd herself.

"What are they yammering about?" The Dragon Slayer asked.

"And we already took their powers, so we don't have to handle with care," Hughes said, the end of what Dealana now realized resembled a conductor's baton glowing yellow with magic energy. "If code ETD pans out like the old man hopes well that just means these eye sores become a waste of space, and if there's one thing we excel at, it's clearing out the clutter." The yellow glow from Hughes' baton spread to envelop the entirety of the wooden ship attraction causing it to creak and groan as it moved passed the normal limitations.

"Hope you're ready to meet your maker!" Hughes shouted before crashing the ship forward, destroying the carousel Sugarboy was still riding along with it. Much to the dismay of the group, Sugarboy was unaffected by the action and remained unharmed and still riding a now broken off carousel horse. Hughes landed on the railing of the main rollercoaster looking at the rubble with a smirk.

However, his expression quickly morphed into surprise and disappointment when he noticed the smoke clearing away to reveal a shield made of ice. Dealana found herself once again in awe of the Earthlanders' ability to use magic like the Exceeds. It was truly a sight to behold and she couldn't help feel a little envious of her mini-me.

"Where'd that ice come from?" Hughes wondered out loud. "So, these Earthland freaks use magic like Exceeds do?"

"I thought their itemless magic was nothing but rumors," Sugarboy added from where he lay on the ground still perched atop the horse from the carousel. "Mmm, it's truly breathtaking to behold."

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