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Edolas is here! I repeat, Edolas is here!

Also, can we address the 20k reads and almost 1k votes? 20k reads! That's, like, a LOT of reads! I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying this story and it means a lot to me that I can share it with you! I give you my wuv and thanks from the entirety of my heart! <3

Hope you enjoy~!

Hope you enjoy~!

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Dealana didn't stop by the guild hall the following day, which was understandable to those who were aware this time of year's significance. The Thunder Legion had already made plans to check on her and make sure she was taking care of herself the next time they spotted her. She was planning to spend her time wandering around Magnolia aimlessly. The strange thing was that the weather was surprising sunny and clear that day. 

The Storm Dragon Slayer naturally assumed it had to do with her new magic casting technique that she learned from the great Thunderbird. On top of that odd occurence, Dealana still had the feeling in her gut saying that something was brewing on the horizon, but she didn't know what it was or whether it was good or bad. 

Sometime around mid-day, Dealana noticed the dark clouds beginning to roll in. Her gut feeling was growing stronger as she watched the clouds approaching. It could very well be her anxiety of whatever she believed was going to happen that was causing the incoming storm. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself in hopes of clearing away the brewing storm, but it kept coming.

Glaring at the clouds, Dealana raised her hands, a magic seal the color of the bright blue sky appearing as she attempted to push the storm away. But she found that she couldn't dissipate the coming storm, which only pushed more confusion onto her plate. 

As the rain began to fall and hit her face, Dealana frowned upon hearing the distant thunder. Whatever the gut feeling she had, it wasn't a good one if she was supposed to take the coming rain as an omen. The clouds began to spiral inwards and the sky was completely shielded from view. When she attempted to channel the rainstorm, Dealana found that she couldn't. She tried conjuring a cloud only to have it join the others above.

She was a Storm Dragon Slayer and known across Fiore as the Tempest, and yet her own clouds betray her. The bad feeling only grew and Dealana took off in a sprint, determined to reach the guild hall and get help figuring this out. Her bare feet splashed against the cobble stones and she was very thankful she had since found a basic protection spell for her bracelets after the incident before.

Something bad was happening and Dealana couldn't even shift the weather even a little bit. Nothing like this had happened and now really wasn't the best time for it to happen. She was freaked out. 

As she ran, Dealana watched the clouds begin to circle, furthering the fear building in her chest as she pushed herself to run further.

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