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I knew that I wanted to do something special with it being about a year since I first published Little Fury, but I didn't intend for this little one shot to turn out the way it did. 

Either way, I'm happy and I hope you enjoy a little IronStorm-brotp moments and an adorably Pure!Dealana. It is after all sort of her birthday. (I don't actually have a set date, I'm just going to use the publishing date of this story. xD)


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It was supposed to be another day at Fairy Tail, but everyone seemed to be in some sort of frenzy, only those still new to the guild were confused. Lucy, ever the first to speak up and ask, turned to Mira Jane, who held a clipboard in her hands.

"What's going on today? Is it some sort of festival?" Lucy wondered before she let out a startled scream and ducked out of the way of an incoming chair. When she was back on her feet she stared with wide eyes at an annoyed Erza. The redhead was barking orders to everyone around her, which in turn caused them to shrink in fear before they eventually scampered off to follow her directions. "Whoa! What's with Erza?"

Mira only smiled brightly. "Today's Dealana's birthday!" She explained. "We try to throw her a party every year, but something always goes wrong."

"And every year, we still try to do something to celebrate even when disaster is inevitable." Cana added from where she sat leisurely on a table cradling a barrel of booze. "Face it, Mira, Dealana's birthday is cursed."

"I don't know, things might just change this year." Mira replied, her kind smile never wavering as she moved off to help Elfman with a few more decorations.

"Wow, I didn't realize Dealana's birthday was such a big deal." Lucy mused. Turning to Cana, she asked, "What did you mean by her birthday being cursed?"

"Yeah, I'm sure it can't be that bad, right?" Wendy chirped. The sky dragon slayer looked rather excited to celebrate her friend's birthday.

Cana shook her head. "No, you don't know Dealana's birthday. Every year something goes horribly wrong. The surprise is ruined, Dealana goes missing, one time Natsu sneezed and set off a chain reaction that incinerated all the decorations." She listed off, counting her fingers before her gaze returned to Lucy and Wendy. "All my fortunes get messed up every year on this day. There's nothing good that comes from trying to throw Dealana a birthday party, no matter how hard Erza or the Thunder Legion tries."

"Woah..." Lucy shivered, feeling slightly creeped out. She pondered over it for a bit before she and Wendy decided to ignore Cana's warning and do what they could to help Erza and Mira in setting up.

Back in town, specifically the Magnolia Park, Dealana was curled up on one of the highest branches of the large tree that stood proudly in the center. She leaned against the trunk and closed her eyes, her ears filled with classic rock n' roll from Laxus' headphones.

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