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Sitting in his office, after receiving news that Dealana was in the trusted hands of Porlyusica, he finally opened the letter from Cress' Chief.

Oi, Makarov,
One of your children, Dealana Ka'ino, has powerful magic that is more affected by her emotions than you realized. I'll understand if you're hesitant, but I'd like to offer my guidance. The Storm Talon Tribe tends to specialize in Tempest Magic, which is by far the closest we'll get to Storm Dragon Slayer Magic in this time. For Dealana, control is crucial or storms will forever follow her, hence why I'm taking time out of my day to write this dumb note. Don't mistake this offer for opening our doors to outsiders, I'm not doing any favors to my reputation as Tribe Chief by offering this. My weakness will always be mages who've lost their way. I'll leave you with an additional note for Dealana if you choose to give her my offer. Tell the Magic Council or anyone of our whereabouts, you won't see me coming until it's too late.
Never Retiring,
Ruby Aravind

Fairy Tail's Master could only sigh in response. Some things never change, Ruby's perpetual habit of informality on the verge of mocking was one of them. Makarov had only had a few interactions with the Storm Talon Tribe when Ruby had strong, strong words for him about one of his guild members nearly destroying their camp thinking the Tribe were bandits. It had been dumb luck that a young, impulsive Natsu stumbled upon their current location, but Natsu learned his lesson, having no time to even try and eat the harsh white flames Ruby threw at him.

The letter addressed for Dealana rested, folded in his coat pocket as his guild was stressing over something seemingly important; Wendy's first big job.

"I'm sure everyone who's been out on jobs for awhile will be surprised when they get back," Reedus told Wendy after Lucy began chasing Happy around the guild hall. The blonde didn't like Happy's snarky comments towards her but Dealana would be sure to buy him some fish later. "You might be the youngest new recruit we've had."

"I don't really count since Gramps mainly let me in so I wouldn't run off somewhere else and starve," Dealana told the somewhat sheepish Wendy.

"Oh, yeah," Warren agreed with the Picto Mage, "What'll Gildarts say?" He wondered. Dealana thought about that too. She wasn't particularly close with the S-Class Mage as he spent more time with Natsu while Dealana practically clung to Laxus and the newly forming Thunder Legion.

"I haven't heard that name in ages," Max commented.

"And nobody's heard from him in a long time either," Gray agreed. "He's been on that same job for how many years now?"

"I dunno, like three maybe?" Natsu guessed.

"I wouldn't worry 'bout him," Max told them. "Don't forget who you're talking about. I mean, it's Gildarts for crying out loud!"

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