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Dealana was angry. The wizards didn't believe her when she told them her father was Arashi the great dragon of storms, but also she used most of her magic energy trying to escape the spiky blonde. Laxus was his name according to the old man. Dealana sprinted through Magnolia, her bare feet already rough from growing up without shoes. She still had growing up to do, but Arashi told not to worry about the future when she was just a little runt.

Runt. That's what her adopted dad called her. When the boy, Laxus called her a runt, it didn't sound the same as Arashi. Looking around, Dealana realized she was lost. She meant to run to East Forest to continue her search for Arashi but she had gotten so deep into her memories she ended up in an unfamiliar area. A low rumbling sound filled Dealana's ears and she looked around for any threat before she realized she was hungry.

No time for food. Find Arashi then eat. It seemed like a good plan when she took off once more before her stomach rumbled again and she couldn't ignore the emptiness she felt. Scanning her surroundings, Dealana was in Magnolia's Central Park. She figured that there could be some fruit or something around so she began to wander about at a slow pace taking in the pretty scenery. She had never had the time to explore the forests when living with Arashi since she was either training or trying to keep up with the dragon's fast pace.

"There you are." a voice said from behind her. Dealana turned around to find a young red-headed girl wearing armor. Dealana wouldn't admit it but she was fascinated by the shiny armor. Dealana was about to use wind to help her escape when her stomach rumbled again causing the red-head to give her a strange look. "Are-are you hungry?" she asked with the hint of a smile

"No." Dealana said harshly before her stomach rumbled again. Both girls' eyes widened at the noise before Dealana turned to escape only to bump into the raven-haired boy. She fell onto her butt before she growled at them. "I need to find my dad. Let me go." she snapped

"You can't go looking for your dad without food." the red-head reprimanded

"Besides, you're just a little kid. You shouldn't be alone." the raven-hair added

"We can help you find your dad if you come with us." the red-head offered

"My dad doesn't like people, if I go with you I'll never find him." Dealana said

"You'll never find him if you starve." raven-hair retorted

"I just - I just want my dad. I don't have anyone else and he just left without saying goodbye." Dealana sniffled tears started to stream down her face as she gave into the emotions she'd been holding in.

"Aww, please don't cry... seriously, please don't cry." the raven-haired boy freaked out. A drop of water hit Dealana's nose. She looked up to see a darkened sky and rain clouds gathering.

"Is this...her?" the redhead mumbled to herself. "Let's head back to the guild, Gray." she said picking up Dealana who made no protest and instead latched onto Erza like a little koala. Erza was slightly surprised by the action and Gray simply smirked at the little girl.

The rain continued to pour over Magnolia, and the Fairy Tail guild now huddled inside the guild hall where the little runaway was devouring a sandwich.

"Slow down, there's no rush." Erza scolded the tiny child. It had been a funny sight to see the tough Erza enter the guild with a little girl clinging very tightly to her waist, Erza hadn't even needed to hold her there.

"Sorry." Dealana spoke through a mouthful. She finished the sandwich and looked up at the red-head mage "I like your armor." Erza's lip twitched upward at the compliment, "Arashi never let me have shiny metals because of the lightning. He did let me have a book of spells for when I got older..." she trailed off before she gasped "My things! I left them at the cave!"

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