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A few months had passed since Dealana joined Fairy Tail, and she still had yet to find Arashi. Dealana didn't practice her offensive magic openly but she did, however, float on a cloud around the guild hall, which surprised them at first. Dealana soon fit right in with everyone else in Fairy Tail, but she was closest with Erza

Erza would take Dealana on simple jobs every once in awhile so the girl could gain some experience. 

Dealana's attire changed too since her arrival. Instead of her black leggings and lavender sundress, she now wore a loose cream shirt that slightly covered her black shorts. Dealana refused to wear shoes, much amusement was always found when Erza would attempt to put them on the little girl, but she did wear silver gauntlets on her wrists, which were a gift from Erza. They covered the top of her forearms and had a dragon scale pattern. 

Dealana was laying on her cloud by Macao and Wakaba, two other wizards she has grown fond of as they often told her about their jobs and magic. The new pink haired boy must have been staring at Gray funny because the raven-hair boy called him out.

"Hey, what's your deal? You got a problem with me or somethin'?"

"What if I do?"

"Oh, they gonna fight?" Dealana heard Macao ask with amusement

"No way." Wakaba responded to which Delana nodded in agreement. Just then, Cana popped out from behind a barrel.

"Gray, your clothes." she reminded him

"Aw, man!" Gray jumped up. Natsu turned away with his hands behind his head in annoyance.

"Geez, what a pervert." he commented before suddenly, they clashed heads.

"Who you callin' a pervert, pinky?" Gray challenged before Dealana floated over to Reedus and Master Makarov at the bar.

"You, you loudmouthed streaker!" she heard Natsu shoot back

"You better show me some respect, ya loser!" Gray yelled during their tussle. Makarov looked to Reedus and young Dealana

"Well, feisty one, eh?"

"He'll fit right in." Reedus chuckled looking over at them. Erza stepped in between the boys pushing them back. Dealana giggled as she watched Natsu get angry again.

"You want some of this too, Red?" he shouted while Gray looked scared warning Natsu

"Don't do it!" Erza had thrown them into the walls causing craters to be left behind.

"What total idiots." Erza uttered, "Mmhmm!" Dealana agreed from her place next to Laxus at the bar. Sitting cross-legged on the cloud, the top of her head reached about his shoulder. He patted her head before putting the hand in his pocket, the other holding a drink.

"But why me too?" Gray groaned. Erza had a glint in her eye,

"You're not to fight. Are we clear?" she asked sternly to which Gray eagerly agreed

"Whoa. Scary!" Natsu said rubbing his head

"Hey, kid, what's your name?" Erza asked him. Natsu looked away

"Uh, Natsu."

"Natsu, huh? Let's get one thing straight. Everyone in Fairy Tail treats each other like family, and this guild hall is like our home." Dealana smiled at the red-head from where she sat, "It's not a place for fighting. Do you understand?" she explained

"Yeah." Natsu grumbled

"Welcome to Fairy Tail. I'm Erza." she introduced with a smile

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