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It's astounding how a nice day can turn to crap in less than an hour. I didn't have a very nice time, but I needed to write something to help with the negative emotions, hopefully the bad stuff doesn't translate into this chapter.

Trying to finish out the Oración Seis arc but still give it the love and appreciation it deserves

Please enjoy! :)

Dealana's smile grew wider after hearing the voices of Natsu and the others

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Dealana's smile grew wider after hearing the voices of Natsu and the others. Knowing that all four of them were alive meant that all they had to do now was beat Zero, destroy the six lacrima simultaneously and finally stop Nirvana before it destroyed Wendy and Carla's guild, Cait Shelter. The more Dealana thought about what had occurred within less then twenty-four hours, she realized that she never got to fight anyone aside from her minor skirmish with the Oración Seis at the beginning, but she didn't really want to count that as a real fight.

"Guys," Hibiki's voice brought the Storm Dragon Slayer out of her thoughts. "my telepathy's about to cut out. Awhile ago, I uploaded a map to each of your minds. I numbered the lacrima so you can find them. Everybody choose a number, okay? Then split up,"

"I'll take one," Natsu claimed while Gray chose, "Two."

"Guess I'll take three," Lucy added. "Please don't let Zero be there." She said more to herself.

"Dibs on four!" Dealana told them. (Sorry Ichiya...not really though :P)

"I can take number five," Erza decided.

"Erza! Guess you're feeling better, huh?" Natsu cheered.

Erza smiled saying, "Yeah, it's all thanks to you guys,"

"That leaves me with––" Dealana punched Jellal's shoulder just hard enough to make him shut up before Natsu recognized his voice.

"You're left with number six," Erza finished for him.

"Whose voice did I hear just now?" Natsu wanted to know. "Is there someone there with you?"

"Shut up and focus Natsu!" Dealana shouted back while Erza took that opportunity to remind Jellal that the Fire Dragon Slayer was still unaware of his condition and new alignment. The sound of a distant crash echoed before the telepathy was cut off, meaning Christina had crashed once again.

"We have six wizards now," Carla said after the group shared a small moment of silence. "Let's get the ball rolling." 

 "I'm off to number four," Dealana told them moving to stand on her cloud. They watched as she reshaped it into something reminisce of a surfboard. "It's the furtherest from any of us."

Erza gave the girl a smile. "I figured that's why you chose it, don't let me down."

"Crossing my fingers for Zero to be there, I'm kind of itching for a fight," Dealana grinned before pouting. "I'll be he's at number one though." Not a moment later, she was off.

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