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Double update! Yay! ...If anyone needs me, I'll be hiding from your potential wrath...

Otherwise, please enjoy! 

Otherwise, please enjoy! 

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Erza, Lucy, Wendy and the cats looked up to where Gray was perched on the dragonoid's snout. Dealana was no where to be found, which worried the redhead. Though she knew and had complete faith in the Storm Dragon Slayer that didn't mean Erza would sit back while the girl faced dangerous opponents. At the moment, her focus was on getting answers out of Gray.

"What is this?" Erza demanded the ice-mage. Gray jumped from the dragonoid and landed on a relatively high rock cluster. "If you've betrayed Fairy Tail then there'd better be a good reason for it!"

"I'm sorry," Gray said in a mocking tone. "I don't have any reason."

"But Gray..." Erza was taken aback by the apparent malice in his voice. 

"Yes, yes, yes!" Daphne said from inside the dragonoid. "After countless hours of blood, sweat and tears, I've produced this wonder of science! The dragonoid! If you had any kind of manners, you'd  at least congratulate me on a job well done."

"You're the one who's responsible for this madness?" Erza questioned. "Release Natsu now, or else!" She ordered.

"Sorry, but fire boy stays right where he is," Daphne replied, her voice muffled by apparent food in her mouth. "Since dragonoid is using him as a battery after all. So I have no intention of letting him go. You might as well say your goodbyes while you have the chance. Natsu Dragneel won't be around much longer."

"Magic power is life to a wizard, we have to stop her before it drains him," Erza realized.

"You messed with the wrong guild, lady!" Lucy shouted. Happy was worried and asked, "What do we do? If this keeps up, Natsu's done for!" 

"If you want to try and stop us, be my guest," Gray smirked. "Then again, considering how weak you all are, I doubt you'll survive to see the dragonoid's full glory."

"How could you?" Erza questioned him, her glare, for once, not having the normal affect on the ice-mage.

"I seem to recall hearing about a deranged female wizard who was obsessed with dragons and even tried creating artificial ones." Carla piped up. "But I thought it was just a rumor."

"That sure sounds like her," Wendy agreed.

"Oh, now that's just insulting, I'm far from deranged, by this time tomorrow the academic world will speak my name with exalted praise and utter fear thanks to my glorious dragon." Daphne told them. "The road's been long and filled with obstacles, but I overcame each one brilliantly."

Daphne revealed her past experiment with her artificial dragonoids in her hometown and how she permanently trapped the townsfolk in their own hidden spell. It had become known as the City without Sound.

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