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"Laxus! I know that deep down you still care! Do you really want to do this? Laxus!" Dealana screamed.

"Fairy Law." and it was cast. A pillar of light rose in the cloudy sky and a large magic circle appeared over the Cathedral before the light flooded through all of Magnolia.


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"I finally surpassed the old man." Laxus said, not realizing yet that his spell didn't work in the way he had hoped. The smoke cleared but the only damage done to Dealana, Natsu, Gajeel, and Levy was the incessant smoke in their lungs bringing them to cough. "What way. Impossible! How in the hell are you all still alive?" he demanded.

It was Freed who supplied the answer. Though as much as he wanted to, Laxus couldn't see his guild, his family, or his hometown as enemies. His heart betrayed him. Laxus didn't like that answer, and Freed tried to convince him that it had gone on long enough.

"Let the old man die for all I care." Laxus snapped reverting back into his dragon slayer magic, "He's nothing to me! He may be family, but I'm stronger!" he yelled causing lightning to burst up from the ground and wreck even more of the Cathedral's floor. Gajeel had moved in front of Levy  protectively as the lightning magic was quite strong.

"Such power." Freed gasped.

"Just who do you think you are? You're not stronger than Gramps." Dealana shouted, "You couldn't pull off Fairy Law! You're no better than the rest of us, even if you are his grandson! Blood ties don't matter! Everyone in the whole damn guild is supposed to be considered family!" she screamed at him.

"That's just a lie! Blood ties do matter!"Laxus shouted back lightning surrounding his body.

"You've been a member long enough to know better than that. If you think that blood ties makes you above everyone else in the're wrong!" Dealana roared throwing a stormy punch.

"And you're dead!" Laxus met the fiery punch with his own lightning covered one. The two met and the battle was taken into the sky, a flurry of clouded ever-changing storm and lightning clashed over and over again. "How dare you challenge me?"

"I'm going to stop you, Laxus! I won't let you ruin the life you gave to me! I refuse to let Fairy Tail fall into your hands!" Freed, Gajeel, Natsu, and Levy watched from the ground, "It's our home. There's no way in hell I'm going to let you destroy it!" The two continued throwing punches until Dealana was smacked like a fly into a wall that broke and crumbled upon impact. Laxus didn't think twice before smashing her further down the building's wall giving her no time to recover, not even before he picked her up and kicked her across the roof.

"Why won't you just die!?" Dealana didn't stop and dug her hands into the roof to slow her movements before landing with an 'oof' on her stomach, "Face it already. It's over." Laxus told her.

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