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It had been two years since Lisanna's death, and the now eleven-year-old Dealana had changed. She no longer used her magic for offensive purposes instead of relying on her hand to hand combat when in a situation requiring it. She still used her magic to create clouds to float on, but her emotional state was never the same. Her normal attire stayed the same, the cream colored loose fitting shirt, navy zip-up hoodie, black shorts, no shoes, gauntlets, and Lisanna's bracelet wrapped securely around her ankle.

Mira noticed the changes in the young girl, and together, with Elfman, they managed to pull through. Dealana, in the three years since Lisanna's passing, had grown closer with many people in Fairy Tail despite her grumpy attitude. The biggest difference, however, was how the girl had drifted from Laxus.

It was as if they never met, ignoring the other's presence. Deep down, however, both wizards were upset but were too stubborn and prideful to show it. Dealana looked up to Laxus with his powerful magic and strong demeanor, in many ways it reminded her of Arashi. Laxus had also been the one to bring her to the hospital when she was found unconscious on the road seven years prior.

Laxus saw Dealana as a runt, in a good way of course. He saw her like an annoying little sister that was more tolerable than everyone else. Before Lisanna's death, she didn't act clingy or drift too far away. She admired his skill, but he couldn't have any weakness that included Dealana.

In her time with Arashi, Dealana was constantly training, whether she knew it or not. She would run for hours just to keep up with Arashi when he moved around. 'Never stop using your magic.' he would tell her, 'and on the day you need it most, you won't fail.' Dealana took this to heart, and while she refused to use her offensive magic that didn't mean she refused to practice it. She just practiced and trained in secret.

Currently, Dealana sat beside Cana casually sipping on her mug of juice while Cana casually sipped on her glass of what appeared to be wine. Her two sky blue braids resting over her shoulders while she closed her eyes. A few minutes of peace before she smelled a familiar scent. Smoke, Fire, and fish.

"There's a storm coming." she muttered grumpily. Cana paused her drinking and rose an eyebrow,


"A storm is brewing on the horizon, bringing with it, a destructive force with no learning capacity." she explained. Cana sweatdropped at the girl's description.

"So... Natsu and Happy?" she guessed, taking another sip

"Who else?"

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