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A tiny girl shifted as her eyes fluttered open, squinting before she adjusted to the bright light. What happened to her the night prior she couldn't remember, but that didn't matter. She knew she had to get out of wherever she happened to be before anyone could take her away. She sat up slowly looking down at the uncomfortable gown she was now wearing with distaste. Her thoughts were drawn away when her ears picked up the muffled voices from outside.

"I don't understand why I'm here. I told you everything I know. I was coming home and I found the little runt on the street knocked out cold." the first voice said in an annoyed tone, she tilted her head in confusion. Runt?

"You found her, you might as well meet her." a second voice, much older, replied to the first person with an authoritative tone. Tuning out of their conversation, the girl looked around with her different colored eyes, one a deep blue and the other a light violet, they locked on the window. Carefully the girl shuffled out of the cot and noticed her pile of clothes folded neatly on a chair nearby. She pulled on some shorts, threw on her cloak, and shoved her worn sundress in the cloak's pocket before jumping up to the windowsill. Peering out the window, she seemed to be on the second floor of the hospital, turning the latch and opening the window she jumped out just as the door opened and the two voices from before entered.

She could hear their shouts as she felt the wind on her face. She thought hard and held her palms outstretched until she collided with something soft. Opening her eyes, she had landed on a cloud just before she hit the ground. With a wave of her hand, the cloud dissipated, and her bare feet hit the grass. The girl took off running toward the forest she knew would be on the east side of town.

Laxus and his grandfather, Master Makarov had been discussing the girl Laxus had found on the street the previous night. Despite his protests, Makarov pulled his grandson along to speak with the young child with hair the color of the sky. After a brief argument, they entered the room only to see no child in the bed and a sliver of black exit through the window. Both shouted in alarm rushing to the window only to see the girl land on a cloud.

It was common knowledge that clouds don't form naturally on the ground level, so it was safe to presume she had some sort of magic. When the cloud disappeared the mysterious girl took off running in the direction of the East Forest without looking back.

Makarov had sent Laxus after the girl before she wound up in trouble while he rushed back to Fairy Tail to get some help. Laxus found that the girl was very light on her feet and very fast. He tore through the streets not caring about the people he accidentally shoved out of the way. He saw a flash of sky blue duck down an alley, which was a dead end when he turned the corner. The girl whipped around to face him and he was momentarily shocked by her eyes. Two different colors weren't something you see every day, but the unintentional distraction gave the girl the time cast a spell. He couldn't hear the words she spoke but he saw a light blue magic circle in the palm of her hand.

Within a second, the wind had picked up and she was whisked away over the wall. Cursing to himself Laxus jumped over the wall in pursuit. The chase continued until the girl had reached the east forest, she had paused as if uncertain of whether she should go in. Laxus scooped up the girl from behind and tossed her over his shoulder with ease.

"Gotcha now, runt." he felt tiny fist batter his back as if someone was poking him. He smirked and started walking back to the guild hall. Unfortunately for Laxus, the girl wasn't making it easy. She squirmed and scrambled trying to escape his firm grip no avail. She did attempt to send some similar winds as she used in the alley to trip him up but he stayed firm.

The members of Fairy Tail had gathered at the doors ready to depart in search of a strange girl who was found unconscious and escaped the hospital when the doors opened and Laxus' familiar shadow appeared. He stepped forward allowing the rest of the guild to see the writhing figure of a little girl still trying to escape. When she caught sight of other people she froze in fear.

"You found her, good work, Laxus." Master Makarov said

"Yeah, yeah. Where should I put her?" Laxus scoffed clearly not wanting to continue carrying the tiny child.

"On the table is fine, I'm sure she won't run." Makarov said. Everyone was curious regarding the girl with the sky blue hair who squeezed her eyes shut and sat rigid on the table with her knees curled up to her chin. "Child, you're safe now." The girl made no movement and no response only the solid, unmoving statue like stiffness.

"Tch, now she doesn't squirm." Laxus muttered under his breath.

"No one is going to hurt you, child. You're safe." Makarov repeated and hesitantly the girl opened one light violet eye peeking at the old man.

"I want my dad." she whispered, it was barely audible

"What was that?"

"I. Want. My Dad." she said more fiercely opening her other eye revealing it's deep blue color as she glared at Master Makarov who was the only one besides Laxus who seemed unfazed by her eyes.

"Woah." a raven-haired mage breathed, he'd never seen someone with two colored eyes much like nearly all the other members of the guild.

"What is your father's name, perhaps we can help." Master Makarov offered. The girl rubbed the scar along her nose as if it was a habit before she replied.

"His name is Arashi." she stated "He left and never came back two days ago." she stumbled over a few words due to her young age.

"I don't know a man by the name of Arashi, what is your name?" Makarov asked gently, he seemed to calm the child

"My name's Dealana." she sniffed, "And Arashi isn't a man." she told him

"Oh?" she nodded

"Arashi is the great dragon of storms." she informed him. This surprised everyone in the guild. A dragon? How was that possible?

"No way! Dragons aren't real!" the raven-haired boy couldn't hold his tongue as he shouted the accusation. Dealana glared at the boy.

"They are too!" she growled before a bolt of lightning shot from her now extended wrist and hit the mage square in the chest. He yelled in surprise drawing the attention of everyone to him while the girl jumped and bolted for the door. A few wizards tried to block her exit but she swung her tiny arm out and released a gust of wind knocking them all back before dashing outside and into Magnolia once more.

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