Chapter 27

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I woke surrounded by the scent of male shifters, my first instinct was to be on edge but moments later I placed the scents as I opened my eyes slowly. I was curled up on a bed in a room I didn't recognize, there was another empty bed across from the one I was laying in. I could hear mumbled voices through the closed bedroom door, but I couldn't make out what was being said. I slowly stood, stretching out the aching muscles and partially healed wounds, they still had a while before they would be fully healed. I did notice that someone had wrapped a bandage around me to cover the wounds on my back, it felt odd but I let it be for now. 

I jumped slightly when the bedroom door burst open, only to stare back at the two boys studying me. "You're awake!" Tucker exclaimed with a huge grin on his face, I really didn't have the energy to be dealing with his overexcited attitude. "Yeah, now could you please keep your voice down." I linked him back in annoyance. "How are you feeling?" Emmett scanned me as they strolled into the room and shut the door behind them, both of them sat on the empty bed to watch me. "I'll live. How are the others doing?" I linked back as I plopped back down with a huff, laying my head out on my paws as I stared back at the two males.

 "Gavin and Fletcher have been ordered to rest which is why you're in our room instead of theirs, and Beck is off feeling sorry for himself somewhere." Tucker shrugged out, at least they were honest about it. I perked my ears up at the sound of footsteps outside the door as Simon knocked and allowed himself in. "Why didn't you tell me she was awake?" Simon scolded the two lower ranking males with a scowl. "Relax already, they just found out themselves, no need to get all snappy on the poor idiots." I scolded Simon right back, Tucker looked pleased that I'd talked back to his older brother but stayed quiet. 

"How are you feeling?" Simon worried out as he cautiously sat down on the bed beside me, hovering uncertainly. "A bit sore, a little wiped out from the healing process, and the wrap you've got on me is a bit annoying but overall I'm fine. I am fairly hungry though, if you've got anything to eat around here I'd appreciate it?" I linked back hopefully, I was starving. "That's to be expected after all the energy you spent fighting and the energy your body is using to heal, I'll see what we can get for you." Simon stated but I caught a glimpse of a small smile before he hid it away. 

"You know usually I'd be telling you boys to take me home but something tells me I won't be going anywhere until my wounds have healed." I linked on a sigh. "Beauty and Brains, pretty great now isn't she?" Emmett teased out. "What about my pets, Tyson and Ollie are still at the sanctuary and Sassy needs to be fed too?" I felt the worry over my fur babies starting to kick in as I linked the boys uncertainly.

 "I can go get the dogs if one of you guys go feed the cat." Tucker volunteered eagerly. "I can go feed the cat for you." Daniel offered as he peeked his head in through the door. "There see, everything is taken care of, now you get some more rest and I'll see what food we've got." Simon urged as another wave of exhaustion pulled heavily at my eyelids. "Thank you." I linked out with a yawn and once again I was out like a light.


"Okay that is just plain adorable, even though I still don't see how you can handle her sleeping on your bed E." Daniel huffed at me as I watched the she wolf sleeping peacefully. It was strange having her on my bed, considering my wolf naturally guarded what belonged to us but I didn't even mind having her lay there. "Just go feed her cat like you promised." I growled towards him as he ducked from Tuck and I's room in a hurry. "I should go get some food ready for her before she wakes up again." Simon murmured as he stared at her with a sigh, shaking his head as he too left the room. 

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