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Warnings: Semi-detailed torture scene towards the end of the chapter. Starting from the torturer walking to the victim to the group getting led back to their quarters is when the scene happens. View at your own discretion.

"Alright, brats. Listen up!" A Caretaker shouted as he walked down the hall, baton in hand. "Today, you're being seen by the Headmaster himself! So get up and make it snappy!"

Marth groaned when he was rudely awakened by the Caretaker banging on the metal door of his cell. Rolling over on to his back, he laid there and stared at the dark ceiling above him for a few seconds before the lights inevitably flickered on. There was a muffled groan from the dark shape under the blankets on the other side of the cell, and Marth looked over at the other person.

"Luci, it's time to get up." Marth said. His voice was slightly deeper from sleep, and he yawned as he sat up. 

"Five more minutes." Lucina groaned. 

"You heard the man. We have to get up." Marth repeated. 

"No." Lucina mumbled. "I don't care what the damn Headmaster wants. I'm not getting up. You know what they made me do yesterday..."

Marth sighed. "Lucina, please? At least do it for your poor brother..."

"Ugh, fine." Lucina groaned, but she sat up and shrugged the covers off anyway. 

Shortly afterwards, (which ended up being seventeen minutes later, because Lucina insisted on brushing her hair, complaining "if you're going to wake me up, I at least want to look like I'm somewhat alive!" To this, Marth merely rolled his eyes in exasperation and waited for his sister to finish.) Marth and Lucina were standing in front of their cell, waiting for the others to emerge. As usual, Zelda and her twin brother Sheik were next, followed closely by Robin and Ike. Corrin and Roy were next, and lastly Link and Samus were practically dragged out of their cells by two stern-faced Caretakers.

"Look alive!" one of the Caretakers shouted at Link when he yawned and nearly tripped over his own feet. "Come on, you should know better!" 

After looking over the sleepy faces of his friends, Marth took a deep breath to collect his thoughts. "Follow me." Marth said simply, turning around and walking forward without hesitation.

The others hurried to catch up, not wanting to be left behind. As they walked, quiet conversations started. From his position at the head of the line, Marth could only catch snippets of conversation here and there. 

"Sheik, you have to talk to me! I can't help if you refuse to say anything!" Zelda exclaimed in exasperation. Marth didn't quite catch Sheik's mumbled reply, but he made a mental note to check on the other boy later. After all, a leader's worth was only measured by the state of his troops. Or in this case, his friends and fellow Gifted.

As the group walked, following the lead of Marth and the Caretaker who had woken them up, it was clear that something was wrong. When they passed a hallway that led to the Restricted Section, they saw a group of white-clothed Caretakers wrestling with someone. Curiously, Marth tried to look more closely at the person, but the Caretaker who had dragged Samus out of her cell noticed and stood in front of the entrance. Before they did that, Marth caught a glimpse of brown hair and a feathery white... wing of some kind. 

But Marth quickly dismissed the odd sight when he saw the next door after rounding a corner. It was the door to the Headmaster's office, a sight that he dreaded. Many of the others did, as well. Out of the corner of his eye, Marth saw Lucina shiver slightly at the sight of the door. He wished that he could comfort his sister, but he knew that he had to maintain the facade of the strong and confident leader in front of the Caretakers. However, Robin was walking by Lucina's side. The white haired boy grabbed Lucina's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. At this, Lucina looked at him and smiled slightly.

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