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Well, he was fucked. He was so fucked. 

Roy looked at Marth, who looked furious and confused. 

"I don't suppose you'll explain what you meant by that, Roy?" Marth asked. He was too calm. 

"Nope." Roy said. 

Lucina stood up. Oh yeah, he was definitely fucked now. 

"You bastard! Why don't you tell Marth what you told me, huh? Or maybe you just told me so you could win my trust, and then break his heart? There's a reason I told you to get lost!" Lucina yelled.

"Lucina, I swear that's not why I told you that I was in on the Headmaster's plan all along-" Roy said, then stopped. 

"WHAT." Marth shouted.

"Look, it's not that bad-" Roy lied, even though it was just as bad as it sounded.

"So, all those years of friendship were nothing more than lies? All those times I put up with your other lies were just fake?" Marth asked, clearly trying not to lose his temper.

Roy was quiet for a long time. What was he supposed to say? He could feel the urge to lie and say "don't worry Marth, it was real" or something along  the lines of that. He could just embellish the truth a little. Just a little...

He was such a filthy liar. But he didn't know any other way, and not lying made him feel... bad. 

"No, I promise you were my friend. All of you were my friends." Roy said. The words sounded hollow, even to him.

"So you're not even going to confess your crime? You're going to lie to me- to all of us- again?" Marth said, voice rising in volume and intensity as he kept going. 

"Marth, please, calm down and look at it from my side! The Headmaster isn't as evil as you guys think they are!" Roy protested. 

More hollow words.

More lies.

Of course, Roy knew that the Headmaster was bad. But they'd offered him a better life than the others, as long as he cooperated with their scheme.

Be an inside agent, find out if the other kids weren't conforming to the strict expectations they had. 

Report back every so often.

Roy knew he was responsible for a lot of bad things. He knew that he was responsible for Sheik's incident. 

After all, he'd been the one to take note of the way Sheik looked at Corrin and realize that it went beyond the expected friendly love. He'd reported it, and now he was responsible for the way Sheik had been broken. 

Roy knew that the Headmaster was lying to all of them about the outside world. He knew where Sully and Pit had come from. 

"From your side? Roy, I thought you were on our side! I didn't think this would ever happen. How could you betray your friends like this?" Marth was basically yelling now. 

"I was promised a better life! I knew that you guys would be tortured and experimented on! As long as I cooperated, the Headmaster promised I'd be safe!" Roy yelled back. 

The others sat in stunned silence, basically trying to process this new information. 

"You did what?" Robin said, standing up too. 

"I sold you guys out for my own safety." Roy stated plainly. No lies this time, because it wouldn't help. But he still felt bad for not lying in some way. He had to save this somehow, so a lie would have to do. 


"Were you ever my friend?" Marth asked, voice back to that scary calm tone.

"Yes. I was."


Well, not completely. 

"Why don't I believe you? Hmm, so odd." Marth said and laughed. It was a harsh sound, which was completely out of character for him.

And it was his fault.

"Trust me." Roy pleaded.

"How can I trust a liar?" Marth asked. 

Marth had a point, but it still stung for some reason.

"You're right. You can't." Roy said. 

"Marth, stop wasting your time with him. We have to go." Lucina said, resting her hand on Marth's shoulder.

"No. I have to know what the Headmaster wants with us." Marth replied, shrugging her hand off.

"I can tell you what they want." Roy said.

It was true, Roy knew the Headmaster's plan. He had since he was ten. 

That's when he sold his friends for his own safety.

"Good boy. You know what's best for yourself, don't you? It's a wonder that people used to call children incapable of making their own decisions." 

Roy remembered those words all too clearly. Those words had been basically branded into his head since that fateful day, and now they had come back to haunt him. 

He remembered when the Headmaster used to praise the kids when someone did something that they liked. 

Sometimes, the Headmaster would still praise the kids, but it was rare. Of course, Roy received most of that praise in the Headmaster's office after reporting back information on his "friends."

"Go for it." Marth snapped. 

"They want to use you and your Gifts to create a race of godlike beings who obey their every wish. By using the correct breeding combination between you, the Gifts in your blood will produce the superpowered offspring the Headmaster desires." Roy said. The words made him feel sick, as they were the truth- the pure, unaltered truth. 

The truth really was a horrific thing. 

"What the fuck?" Robin whispered. The white haired boy's face paled, and his eyes widened. "But that would mean... the reason why they're so strict about relationships-"

Roy nodded, confirming what Robin was going to say.

"We're being used as breeding stock." Robin's voice was barely audible.

"And I suppose you were exempt from this rule?" Marth asked coldly.

Roy nodded again. 

"So all those times when you'd come back from the Headmaster's office with a limp or holding your arm like it was broken... those were just lies? Lies to cover up your visits to the Headmaster to report our activities?" Marth said. 

"It was all an act." Roy confirmed. Of course, that was a bit of a lie. Sometimes he actually did have injuries- when he refused to report something that would get a "friend" badly beaten, then he'd have actual injuries to show for his small rebellion. 

A Caretaker who was responsible for clearing the plates dropped one with a loud CRASH. As they bent over, Roy saw them press a hidden button inside of their collar and whisper something. 

He would have to report that.

"I have one more thing I have to say, Roy." Marth said. 

"Go ahead." Roy tried not to let his nerves show. He was actually scared about what Marth would say next. 

"I thought I loved you, but I guess I was in love with a lie."

Illusions and Lies (A Super Smash Brothers fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now