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Warnings: This whole chapter contains gun violence. Read at your own risk.

Watching Marth try to come to terms with Roy's betrayal was painful. Lucina watched him go through practically every stage of grief in about five hours. 

First, he was in denial. 

"There's no way Roy could have sold us out for his own selfish desires! He had to have been pressured into it or something, right?"

Then he got mad. 

"The fucking bastard. I can't believe he'd lie to all of us like that! I'm so stupid, why would I fall in love with a lying asshole like him?" 

Then he was just sad.

"Lucina, could you just... leave me alone for a little while?"

She had left the room, and now she was sitting with Robin while he rewrote his paper that had been ripped earlier. 

Since Lucina knew better than to interrupt Robin while he was concentrating, she sat quietly next to him.

Every so often, Robin would groan in frustration and scribble something else. Lucina watched him get more and more upset, until he finally slammed the pencil down on the table after the lead broke. 

"I can't fucking do this anymore!" Robin hissed in annoyance. 

"It's okay, Robin." Lucina said, resting her hand on his. 

"No, it's not!" Robin snapped, but he didn't remove her hand. 

"You can finish this later. Right now, you're clearly frustrated. Please take a break." Lucina tried her best to sound soothing, but she had never been very good at that. 

Robin turned to face her, scowling. The harsh expression on his face softened a bit, but he still looked frustrated. "What would you like to do, since you're here with me?"

For some reason, Lucina thought the little half smile he was giving her was adorable. Without noticing it, she leaned closer to him. 

She had been attracted to him for a long time- probably a year since she'd started noticing her feelings for him. She'd been to scared to act on those feelings, but now?

Maybe she actually could-

Wait, were those gunshots?

The white haired boy and blue haired girl jumped apart like preteens who had been caught by their parents. 

"Robin?" Lucina asked.

"Those were gunshots." Robin replied, answering her unasked question. "Stay close to me."

He stood up from the table and grabbed his broken pencil, stuffing it into a pocket before grabbing the half finished paper. Lucina stood up as well, looking around to hopefully spot the source of the noise. It was in vain, which only served to heighten her nerves. 

Luckily, the pair managed to make it to the cells without too much trouble. Since Lucina and Marth's cell was the closest, the two of them ducked into the room to take cover. Marth wasn't in the room, which practically made Lucina's heart stop, but he appeared in the doorway shortly after she had sat down next to Robin. 

It seemed like Marth had gone to get the others, since Lucina spotted Zelda, Link, and Ike behind him. 

"Get in, quickly." Marth said, ushering his friends inside. "We've practiced this, remember? Not a sound."

Zelda, Link, Sheik, Corrin, Ike, Samus. 

All here.

Marth entered last, closing the door behind him. 

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