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Warnings: This chapter contains mentions of suicide. Read the whole chapter at your own risk. 

Zelda had not been expecting her morning to be so shitty.

First, she had run out of coffee. Since her usual morning cup of coffee was what helped her feel like an actual human after she woke up, this was a problem. 

Second, on her way out the door, she spotted a white envelope with her name on it. Normally, this wouldn't bother her (she'd been getting creepy letters. She hadn't told anybody about this, of course, but the letters unsettled her all the same). 

What was out of the ordinary was the fact that the handwriting on the envelope was so familiar.

Frowning, Zelda had picked it up, only to nearly drop it again when she realized the reason why the handwriting looked familiar.

It was Sheik's handwriting.

With shaking hands, Zelda tore the envelope open. 

Dear Zelda...

I'm sorry to do this to you. I suppose it's fitting that I open this note by apologizing. 

Only recently did I realize how much you've been suffering on my behalf. You've kept how bad I was secret from everybody else, and for that, I am so, so sorry. I don't think I could apologize enough, to be honest. 

You remember how we'd always say "When we're safe," correct? I hope you do, because otherwise, this is going to get real awkward real fast. Well, you're safe now. So I guess I have a few things to explain.

First, the truth about why I was tortured so badly: I'm both gay and genderfluid. I'd say you could ask me questions, but that would be kind of hard if I end up succeeding tonight. 

Second: I was-

Zelda stopped reading there. Her hands were shaking so badly she couldn't hold the paper, and she could hardly read through the tears building in her eyes. 

She forced herself to continue, skimming over the truth of what had happened to her poor brother. 

Her heart felt like it was being ripped in two. He'd suffered more than she could have ever dreamed, and now he was probably dead because she couldn't get through to him. 

This isn't your fault, dear sister. There will be someone else who can fill my shoes. I love you, and I want you to be happy. Please don't grieve my death. I'm leaving behind my past, my suffering, my life. 

Bye, Zel. For what it's worth, I give Link my blessing to date you. I can't think of anyone else who could take better care of you in my absence.

Love, Sheik. 

Zelda was full on sobbing now. Gods, how could she have been so stupid? How could she have let her brother down like this?

She had to know.

She had to see if he'd actually committed suicide. 

But first... she needed to see if Link had seen him at all. 

Zelda took a deep breath, but it didn't help her calm down at all. She could hardly think, all she felt was panic.

Sheer, overwhelming panic. 

Still, she stood up. Her feet moved, carrying her out the door and down the hall. Link's apartment wasn't far away- seven minutes or so. The walk there was a blur, and at any other time she would have been concerned about the looks she was getting from random passersby. 

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