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After what seemed like an eternity of smiles, kind words, pitying glances, and more, Marth was exhausted. 

Well, and upset. 

How could they have known that he got really mad when HE was even brought up in casual conversation?

How could they have known that he felt like a failure for letting himself be lied to by the first person he'd loved?

Shulk had eventually broken the reunion up, saying that it was high time that the kids were led to their new rooms. Thank the gods he had, otherwise Marth was considering taking one of the fancy ass candelabras and smacking someone over the head with it.

He was now sitting in his room, staring up at the ceiling while sprawled on his bed. His room was nice and all, but it was... quiet. 

Too quiet.

It was his room, and although Lucina's room was next door, he still felt... unsafe without her in the room with him. 

A sudden knock on the door startled Marth, making him sit up so quickly he felt dizzy. 

Well, that's one way to stop wallowing in your own self-pity. 

Slowly, since the world was spinning under his feet, Marth stumbled to the door. Before opening it, he made sure to count to three so that he didn't look like a drunk bastard when he opened the door. 

He was not expecting to see Robin on the other side of the door, but then again maybe he should have. 

Marth was many things, but he wasn't a fool. He knew that Robin was fond of Lucina. He also knew that Lucina liked Robin back. 

But she was his sister, and as trustworthy as Robin might be, sometimes something about the white haired boy seemed... off. 

Could he really trust Robin not to hurt his sister?

"Robin. Good evening." Marth greeted his friend, stepping aside to let him enter.

"How's it going, Marth?" Robin asked, entering the room and nodding his thanks. 

"Fine. Now, I assume you want something." Marth replied, keeping his answers short and to the point. Normally he wasn't so blunt, but he was exhausted and angry and didn't want to deal with people right now. 

"Yeah." Robin looked at his hands, then back up at Marth. 

Instead of responding, Marth just kind of looked at him like "bruh just say it already."

"CanIaskyoursistertobemygirlfriend?" Robin asked, speaking so quickly that Marth didn't catch anything beyond "sister" and "girlfriend."

"Slow down, please. It's alright, Robin. I'm not that scary." Marth said, kind of in a patronizing tone. He was good at that. 

Robin took a deep breath. Then, slower, he said "Can I ask your sister to be my girlfriend?"

Well, shit.

How was he supposed to answer this?

Obviously Marth wanted the best for his sister, but like he'd been thinking about earlier, he wasn't sure if Robin was the best for her.

"Uh...." Marth ended up saying, because he's really intelligent like that. 

Robin just looked at him, still hopeful. 

"I don't know, man. No offense or anything, but you kind of seem... weird sometimes. I just don't want Lucina to get hurt any more than she already has." Marth said. 

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