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"Urbosa, do you know where Sheik went?" Link asked. Samus was standing beside him, looking over the interior of the coffee shop. She seemed to be a little on edge, but Link dismissed the thought. He had several more important things to worry about. Not that Samus's feelings weren't important, he just didn't want to deal with whatever was setting her on edge at the moment. 

Urbosa sighed and set down the glass that she was cleaning. "I do not. He did come to me this morning, but he didn't tell me any details beyond the fact that he was running from something."

Link tried not to let his disappointment show. Their only lead turned out to be a dead end. Of course. "I see. Thank you anyway."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you any more." Urbosa said. "Good luck with your search. I'd prefer it if you found him, rather than those... fools who run this city."

"He certainly isn't making it easy for us." Samus commented dryly. 

"If he doesn't want to be found, he likely will not be." Urbosa pointed out. "Sheik is rather thorough about these things. Most Sheikah are. This will not be an easy search."

Before Samus could reply, Link intervened. "Right, well, we're going to try our best. Before we go, do you have any ideas on where he might have gone?"

"Not exactly." Urbosa replied. The cryptic responses she had been giving were starting to get on Link's nerves, so he took a deep breath to steady his emotions before even trying to continue. 

"Anything that you're confident in sharing?" Link asked. 

Urbosa was quiet for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face. "After leaving the cafe, he headed in the direction of the East Side."

Finally, an answer. "Great. Again, thank you. Every little bit of information helps." Link replied, trying not to let his mild irritation show. He'd been so certain that Urbosa would be more helpful, and yet she turned out to know just a bit more than the two of them did.

"Safe travels." Urbosa nodded her head and returned her attention to the glass she'd set down. 

Thankfully, Samus waited until they had walked out of the cafe to voice her frustrations. She kicked at the sidewalk and sighed angrily. "Gods fucking damn it." 

"Samus, please. It's not that bad." Link replied, wincing as he heard her foot collide with the pavement. "Just because Urbosa didn't have as much information as Chrom thought she would doesn't mean that the world is going to end."

"Not that bad?" Samus asked incredulously. "This was supposed to be an easy assignment. Just a simple search and rescue mission, you know? But it turns out that the guy we're tracking didn't actually leave a trail behind. So we have zero clue where he is right now. Our only lead was a dead end. But yeah, I can totally see how this isn't a big deal at all."

Link stopped walking and looked over at her. "You knew this wasn't going to be easy. When has anything related to Sheik ever been easy? He's literally the most complicated guy I've ever met. If you've got such a problem with it, why are you even here?"

"I'm just doing my job." Samus replied coldly. 

"Your job?" Link asked. "This is just a job to you?"

"He's my friend, trust me, but at a certain point..." Samus raised her arms helplessly and scowled. "Isn't this going a bit too far?"

"Sheik never does anything this drastic without a reason." Link snapped. "Are you aware of the fact that he nearly tried to kill himself? Clearly something drove him to the point of feeling like he needed to get away. So no, I don't think this is 'going a bit too far.' And I doubt I'll change my mind. Why don't you wait until we find him to make assumptions?" 

Illusions and Lies (A Super Smash Brothers fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ