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Warnings: This chapter contains mentions of suicide, rape, and torture. Read this entire chapter at your own risk. 

Sheik didn't think that emotions were supposed to hurt this much. 

After all that had happened, he was still taken aback by how much he felt. 

Some people seemed to think that he had a heart of stone.

Gods, he wished that was true. 

If only so the pain would go away. 

Sheik sat at his desk and crumpled the letter draft. He tossed it over his shoulder, and it joined a pile of similarly crumpled unfinished letters. 

An envelope labeled "Zelda" sat on the desk beside the spare paper. He'd managed to finish a letter for her, but for whatever reason he was having trouble writing one for Corrin. 

Dear Corrin...

I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. I can't seem to find the words to describe it.

Tonight was the night, and yet he couldn't seem to find the courage to actually do it. 

Tonight was the night he'd decided that he couldn't stand this suffering anymore. 

With an aggravated sigh, Sheik stood up from his desk. 

Zelda's apartment was close. 

He exited the apartment he'd been given and started the walk to his twin's apartment. 

It really wasn't far. He was there within five minutes, which was almost enough time to talk himself out of the next step. 

Carefully, making sure he was quiet, he slipped the envelope under the door. 

It felt odd to be doing this, but he couldn't care less. This way, he wouldn't have to see Zelda's face as he told her everything that had happened. 

This way, he wouldn't have to disappoint her face-to-face. 

Corrin's apartment was about fifteen minutes away, which was more than enough time for him to chicken out.

Dear Corrin...

I hate to do this to you. I know you probably won't understand my decision, and I'm sorry for that. But please, know that it is not your fault. 

The walk to Corrin's apartment seemed like it took an eternity and a blink of an eye at the same time. Sheik's anxiety levels rose with each step he took, until he nearly turned around and went home. 

Something kept him moving forward. 

He didn't quite know what that something was, but it kept him moving forward all the same. 

Finally, he reached Corrin's apartment.

He was so close.

Almost as if he was in a dream, he raised his right hand and knocked three times.

"Be right there." Corrin said, although his voice was muffled because of the door. 

True to his word, Corrin opened the door shortly afterwards. His silver hair was a mess, which was honestly kind of adorable. 

"Sheik, are you..." Corrin trailed off as he took in Sheik's appearance.

Sheik knew he looked terrible. 

He'd hardly slept at all the past week or so, and the anxiety that was gnawing at his stomach was probably written all over his face. He was just too tired to care, or to maintain the mask he'd always worn. 

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