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Warnings: This whole chapter deals with self harm and the effect depression/PTSD has on people around the sufferer, as well as mentions of suicide. Read at your own risk, and I hope that I manage to pull this off without offending any of you.

Technically, Zelda was the younger twin, and yet she found herself taking on more and more responsibilities as Sheik's mental state deteriorated.

She was hiding just how bad he was from the others, because if they knew, Zelda was certain that they'd give up on him.

Sheik thought he was being sneaky with some of the things he did, but Zelda wasn't that stupid. A few nights ago, after the angel boy had died, Zelda knew that he'd tried his hardest to cut himself. It wasn't the first time that he'd done that. She was actually grateful towards the Headmaster, since they didn't allow weapons or sharp objects in the cells. Otherwise...

Well, Zelda knew what he would have done by now. It wasn't a nice thought, and almost every time she saw him after one of his nightmares, it showed up again.

Suicide. The act of taking one's life.

Zelda had to admit, sometimes dying sounded preferable to waking up in the morning, just to face this hell. She'd considered ways to kill herself, but had never actually gone through with it.

Her twin, on the other hand... If he was given an actual dagger, Zelda had no doubt that he'd just stab himself with it.

She wanted to help, but didn't know how. How could you reach someone who was suffering, but couldn't seem to find it in themselves to reach out and ask for help?

It hurt her heart to see him suffer like this. That day... She had a feeling why he'd been beaten so badly, but she wouldn't dare ask him. Zelda would wait until he felt ready to tell her, and if that day never came, and Sheik took those secrets to an early grave...

Enough. She couldn't dwell on those thoughts that threatened to drag her down into the spiral of negativity.

But it was so easy to just let herself spiral down, down, down...

Gods, she really was useless, wasn't she? Only good for worrying too much and nothing else.

Seeing everybody else be beaten down as time went on only served to deepen her self-hatred. Why wasn't she good enough? Why couldn't she do more when the Caretakers or the Headmaster ordered her friends to do harsh things? Why couldn't she find it in herself to intervene when her friends were beaten in front of her?

Why was she such a worthless coward?

Zelda hadn't realized that Sheik had entered the room until she felt his hand on her back.

"Zel? A-are you okay?" Sheik whispered.

"Fine." Zelda answered quickly. Too quickly. How familiar was that answer? So familiar. So goddamned familiar.

"Zelda, please. I can't- I won't hear you say you're fine!" Sheik said. Where had he been, anyway? She didn't know, and didn't really care. As long as he wasn't getting beaten, she was fine with him roaming around.

"Trust me, I'm fine." Zelda lied.

A hush fell over the cell. "You're lying." Sheik finally said, sitting down next to her. "I know I'm not good at talking about my emotions, but... I don't want to see you suffer like I have. I want your life to be happy, Zelda. You deserve it."

"You deserve it just as much as I do, Sheik! You're my brother, I want to see you happy again!" Zelda exclaimed, sitting up and facing him.

"You think I'm not fucking trying?" Sheik said back, raising his voice just a bit. "You think I don't know that it hurts you, too? I'm sorry, Zelda, but I can't help it!"

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