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Warning: This chapter contains semi-detailed descriptions of blood, as well as fairly brutal torture. This begins after the slight timeskip and continues until the end of the chapter. Read at your own risk.

Samus was in a weird mood. She couldn't quite explain it, but she just felt... weird. It wasn't quite sorrow- she hadn't been close enough to either Corrine or Dimitri to feel more than passing "well that sucks" type feelings.

No, she just felt... maybe frustrated was the best word. She wanted to get out and do something, not just sit here and wait for orders. This inaction felt... wrong, somehow. Weren't they supposed to be in the middle of a war? How could they have literally nothing to do? Of course, usually Samus supposed that they'd be out on missions to track down and bring the people who had been responsible for the deaths to justice, but Dimitri had kind of done that already. Sure, he hadn't killed every last one of the soldiers who had ambushed his squad, but he'd gotten close. The fact that some of them were still out there... surely they needed to have somebody on the case.

At this particular moment, she couldn't exactly do anything other than what she was currently doing. Since it was pretty late, training was out of the question, and Ike was hanging out with some of his friends. So, here she was, sitting on the couch and fidgeting restlessly while she half listened to the dialogue of the movie she was watching. 

As the main character of the movie made a stupid decision with an even stupider line to explain themselves, Samus scoffed and leaned her head back against the couch. She rubbed her eyes and then refocused on the screen. "You stupid idiot. Why would you go into the spooky shed without any backup whatsoever?" Samus exclaimed like the main character could hear her. 

With an irritated sigh as a commercial came on and totally ruined the moment of suspense, Samus stood up and walked into the kitchen. She was going to need some popcorn to get through the rest of this movie.

For a moment, Samus debated if she should attempt to make the popcorn with her Gift, since that would probably be faster than waiting for the microwave. Then she remembered what had happened last time she tried doing that and frowned. Yeah, maybe that wasn't a good idea. So she threw the bag into the microwave and glared at it like that would make it cook faster.

The noise of the popcorn popping masked the sound of the door to the balcony sliding open.

Once all of it had popped, Samus added some butter and just a touch of cinnamon. Contrary to popular belief (though it's not like she'd ever admit this out loud,) she actually enjoyed sweet things. Not overwhelmingly sweet, but a touch of sugar here and there... perfection. 

She turned to exit the kitchen, munching on some of her popcorn as she did so. Nothing seemed to be out of place, but an odd feeling ran down her spine nonetheless. Stopping in the entrance of the kitchen, Samus took a quick look around the apartment. Still nothing. With a shrug, she threw a piece of popcorn up in the air and caught it in her mouth, mostly to diffuse the odd tension in the air.

"Good evening." a voice behind her said. For some reason, it was vaguely familiar, but Samus couldn't figure out why. Naturally, she turned, swallowing her popcorn as she did so.

"Oh, hey. Hi, Roy." Samus replied, even going so far as to wave awkwardly at the redhead in front of her. Understanding crossed her face a moment later, and she frowned. "Wait, what the fu-"

Roy didn't let her finish her sentence. He just walked right up to her and punched her.

Too late, she noticed the dull gleam of brass knuckles in his hand.


When Samus woke up again, the first thing she noticed was the splitting pain in her skull. However, she quickly forgot about it as she realized that there was something pressed against her neck that felt an awful lot like a blade.

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