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It has been 20 hours since Sid's operation got finished and Sid has been conscious for an hour now we would soon be going inside his room so that the doctor could see what he remembers and what not I was praying to God when Vibha aunty came near me....
"Avu..." She called me.....
"I can't do this aunty I am not strong enough what if he doesn't..."
"Sssshh don't cry you are the one who said that you are not going to let him forget you so easily right so why are you being weak now.... My heart says you both can't have this type of incomplete story believe in him he will make everything right..." She said pointing towards the idol of the deity... Just then Sam arrived
"Bee Avu the doctor is calling us we need to meet Sid...."
I nodded my head and so did aunty...
We came near his room I saw him through the door resting his head over the head board.... The doctor came to us...
"Are you guys ready??" he asked....
"Yes doctor " Sam said and we nodded to it "Okay now one more thing if Sid doesn't remember please don't try to stress him and don't get emotional we just need to see what he remembers...." Dr Dev warned us...
"Yes doctor we will take care of it..." Samaira replied.....
We all entered into the room the doctor went near him and Sid woke up
"Hey Sidharth doing well??" He asked
"Yes doctor " Sid replied
"Good... You know the drill you need to identify who these people are and what is there relation with you...."
"Yes doctor..."
" ok just to be clear don't stress your brain just say it if you really remember the person...okay"
"Yes doctor..."
"Okay start from your right...." We all were standing in a sequence first Vibha aunty then Sam then Samaira then me and Rads at the last....
"She is my mom my life Vibha Nigam"
"He is my brother my bro Sameer Nigam"
"She is Samaira Raisingh a good friend..."
And then he stopped I knew it he doesn't remember me I can't face this I closed my eyes and tried to be strong you can't break down in front of him you need to be strong.... Then I heard the doctor...
"Sid you remember her..." Then I heard a chuckling sound and opened my eyes to see him smiling I was shocked like hell I mean what is this reaction "Sid are you fine..." Dr Dev asked....
"Sorry doctor it's just that she looks too funny when she gets stressed and closes her eyes and her nose becomes red..." To this statement everyone had a smile even Dr Dev was laughing
"Can you just answer the fucking question for god's sake Sid" I growled at him I mean this guy is really mad I am dieing over here and all he notices is I look funny when my nose is red.... Stupid...
"Okay okay fine...." He stopped laughing and said...
"She is Avneet Kaur.... My Nakch.... " I didn't even let him complete the word and ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him...thank you god thank you so much for giving him back to me.......
"I hate you so much...." I said sobbing like a kid with my arms around him
"Yes Nakchadi your hate is totally being justified by your hug...."he said with utter sarcasm...then he came near my ear and whispered " I would have gladly returned the favour you just did to me but you know even my mom is there in this room and kissing Infront of her wouldn't be a good idea...." Shit Avu what did you do everyone is here what is aunty going to think shit shit shit I uncoiled my hands and stood straight embarrassed like hell but the happiness was more than the embarrassment Sid was smiling looking at me...
"You guys can continue I am sure even Dr Dev can wait" Sam said teasing us...
"No no no they can't continue I am still left..." Rads jumped from the back....
"Oh yes how can I forget you... She is Radhika bijlani my best friend and my would be Bhabhi..." Rads ran towards the other side of the bed and gave Sid a side hug...
" I missed you so much don't pull this kind of prank ever again it's too stressful yaar"
"I know Rads handling these two alone can be a major headache " Sid said pointing towards me and Sam...
"Yes yes you both mature personalities only handle both of us " Sam said with sarcasm...
"Ya we are the one getting late to college everyday"
I joined him
"Ya we are the one creating fiascos all around the college"Sam continued everyone laughed to this....
"I feel terrible to interrupt this reunion but i need to ask Sidharth more questions so can you guys please leave us alone for sometime" Dr Dev spoke....
"Ya sure doctor...." With that we all started going towards the door I was in the last I turned back and found him looking at me he had his usual smirk and gave me a wink like he always does but this time you are going to get a reward too Sid... I looked at Dr Dev his back was towards me I then looked at Sid gave him flying kiss..... And he looked at me shocked and with that I came out of the room and went near where all of them were standing....
"I can't thank god enough for this " Vibha aunty said with tears on her eyes...
"None of us can aunty finally our Sid is back" Rads exclaimed just then aunty held her head and was about to fall when Sam held her... He made her sit in the chair
"Aunty you are fine right...." I asked.
"Yes yes I am fine I think it's just the stress I will be fine now..."
"No Bee I can't leave you like this you can't stay here today and neither can you go home alone..."
"Ya aunty you come with us..."
"Yes aunty Rads is right..."
"Thank you guys..."Sam thanked us
"No Sameer I am alright they will be stressed without any reason"
"Why are you saying like that aunty aren't we like your kids..???..."
"Yes you are...infact you girls are more than my kids..."
"So decided you are coming with us..."I said
"Let her decide Avneet... Aunty I think you should come with me you know my house will be much of your standard and comfortable too....." Samaira said being the bitch as usual.....
"No Samaira don't mind beta but I think I will be more comfortable with the girls and there aunty rather than in your luxurious house..." Aunty replied to her... Shutting her mouth I love her more now....
"As you wish aunty " she replied and stormed out of there....
"Oh god now I understand why you girls and Shanaya hate her so much..." We laughed at aunty's comment...
"Oh shit I need to inform Mom Dad and Shanaya Di about Sid's recovery they will be so stressed..." Sam said and went towards a corner to call his parents and came after 10 mins..
"How are they now??"aunty asked...
"Extremely happy mom finally is going to break her fast she has not eaten a morsel till now....
"Uff Bhabhi and her beliefs she is going to destroy her health someday..."
"Look who is talking you went to Mumbai to visit the Sidhi Vinayak just because I was suffering from chicken pox...."
"Ok ok fine I agree... Today you are acting like my mother Sameer.."
"I have to if adults behave like kids kids have to become adults..." Sam said and we laughed to it....
"Okay guys I think we should leave now it's already late and aunty jo would be stressing out right now..."Rads told everyone...

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