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I woke up at morning actually just got up from my bed I couldn't sleep the whole night..... all that I heard yesterday night kept stiring in my head I need my black coffee and Sam because it's only him I can talk to right now.... Ya I should text him...
"Bro... Need you in my room it's urgent " I texted and waited for him to reply then went into my bathroom to freshen up after that I came back and checked my phone there was a text from Sam...
"Okay... I just woke up I will be there in 20 mins..." He had replied me back I got ready and asked the staff to get my and Sam's breakfast into my room...just as he had said he came after 20 mins all dressed for the day...
"Sid anything serious..." He asked...
"Damn serious bro..." I replied...
"Is is about that swine again..." He asked
"Yes but this time someone else is also involved" I said...
"His cousin...??"
"Tell me the whole thing Sid..." He said...
Then I told him all about yesterday and everything I heard in Rey's room....
"Oh god... What is this fiasco now is this whole family eyeing my siblings' partners only first that Rey and now this Tanya..." Sam said...
"Ya bro... I don't know who to believe it's really weird that Tanya was in Jeeju's room this late and I am sure even Jeeju was awake too..." I said...
"Sid if you ask me who to believe between Rey his sister and Jeeju I would always say Jeeju and beside just because they were in a room doesn't mean anything " Sam said...
"Ya Sam you are right but why is this Rey telling Tanya to be away from her and why is he afraid that Tanya can ruin di's marriage..." I asked.
"I Don't know Sid...but I think I know what to do..." Sam said...
"What...??" I asked...
"We need to clear this out with Shanaya Di first..."
"What?? No Sam she can't know this we are not even sure if this is true or not..." I said...
"Arey I am not telling to tell her everything it's just that we need to ask her what she knows about this Tanya.... I am sure Jai Jeeju would have already told her if there was anything between them and if not we will try and find out about her......"
"Ya that is right I think we should appoint a detective in Chandigarh to know everything about Tanya... I don't think it will take much time and make sure to tell him to give much attention to her dating life..."I said...
"Ya Sid gimme a sec.."Sam went to a corner and called someone and came back to me after 10 mins...
"We will get the information by tomorrow..." He said to me...
"Good now let's go and ask Di but we need to be careful we can't tell her that we doubt Jeeju..."
"Ya... Let's go come.." we started walking towards di's room
"God all this has to happen today only tomorrow the whole family is shifting to the resort... There is so much to do" Sam said...
"Ya... I know but no preparation is greater than her happiness..." I said...
"Ya..." Sam nodded and we reached her door and knocked it...
"Arey... You guys so early in the morning....Avu and Rads left you guys or what...??" She asked giggling...
"Waaah... What a nice thing to say so early I thought you liked them but I think you are conspiring to kick them out of our life .." Sam said...
"Obviously arey itni Achi Ladkiyan hai fikar Hoti hai mujhe un dono ki isliye..." She said and laughed...
"Ya ya... Only they are nice we have  committed some crime no...." I said and we both came and sat on her bed...
"Arey... When did I say that..."
"Aur Nahin to kya... All these days you are either with Jeeju or with Rads and Avu... You don't even get time for us anymore.... This is the condition before marriage I don't know what is gonna happen after marriage..." Sam said teasing her...
"Awww... So my little brothers are getting jealous of their girlfriends... Shouldn't it be the other way round.... "
"Ya it should be but you know it's a rule in our family whenever the daughter-in-law of the family comes the daughter of the family forgets her brother... Look at mom and bee only... Even you love Avu and Rads more than us..." Sam said making a face...
"Ya Di even I agree with this..." I said accompanying him...
"Shut up you guys... It's nothing like that it's just that..... Wh... whenever I see you g...guys... I get emotional that's why I try keeping my mind busy with Avu and Rads... I mean I never had sisters so they kinda of fill up the place but no one is never gonna take your place... Idiots .." she said hugging us and I could see tears brimming in her eyes...
"We know di.... This Sam was just teasing you..." I said wiping off her tears...
"Ya Di.... Don't be a cry baby now..." Sam said throwing a pillow on her...
"Hawww.... What did you say... " With that Di picked up another pillow and started hitting him and I had to separate them
"Oh god I am going to miss you guys so much..." Di said sitting back in her couch...
"Same here Di... It's not gonna be same without you..." Sam said...
"Yup... But the fact that you going to such an amazing family makes it a little easier for us to let you go..." I said...
"I know... They are wonderful specially Jai..."she said blushing
Sam and I looked at each other it's was the right time to ask Di...
"Btw di.... What do you know about this Tanya .. Jeeju and she looked quite close..." Sam asked...
"I know even you guys noticed right... she being so clingy.... But it's okay Jai cleared it to me last night only... they were dating and are good friends now..." She said...
"Oh... Did you ask Jeeju or he..." I hadn't completed the sentence Di replied...
"No Sid you know me na even if I am affected I don't say it... it was Jai who told me from his side I never asked him..."
"Ok Di come Sam we need to go... Lot of prep to do..."
"Ya...chal bro..."
"Bye Di..." We came out of her room
"Sid I think we should drop it here may be Tanya is just an over possesive ex nothing else....if Jeeju had something he wouldn't have said everything about her to Di himself..."
"Ya bro you are right... beside I don't think I will trust any bloodline  of Khanna now infact Sam just pray to God that Rey doesn't have a brother..." I said smiling...
"Why?? He having a brother how does it affect me ??" He asked confused...
"Look at the pattern bro....Rey is after Avu... His sister is after Jeeju and now if he has a brother he will be after Rads right..." I said laughing... And he gave me a glare and laughed himself...
We both were on our path when we saw Jeeju coming towards us... I looked at Sam we both smirked because we know where he was heading to...
"Good morning guys... You guys here this early..." He asked...
"We were with Di... But what brings you here Jeeju..."Sam asked...
"Woh...Woh ..Woh .. ah yes I thought of saying good morning to Vibha aunty you know..." He said...
"Ok... First of all Jeeju you are a family now so you can call mom Bee like Sam and Shanaya Di does and second of all Jeeju as far as I know my mom... by now she would be at the hall attending the guests and you just now came from there didn't you see her there..." I questioned him and he freaked out...
"No... May be I didn't notice I will go..."he said and was about to go from there with A sad face...
"Come on Jeeju you can't be this naive.... We are just teasing you go and meet Di we know you are here for her only..." I said...
He looked at us and smiled... And was about to leave but Avu came there...
"Bhai I think they will need you at the door she said..
"Why...??" He asked...
"Your aunt is here with her daughter's so Sneha MAA wants you to welcome them "
"Oh shit..." Jeeju said face palming himself...
"ok then Shanaya will have to wait I need to greet the divas first..." He said...
"Come on Bhai they are not that bad.. you just exagerrate things... " Avu said keeping a arm on Jeeju's shoulder
"Oh please Han Pari... You are just saying because they don't land in your house once a year I don't know why mom tries to keep ties with them they are not even her close relatives..." Jeeju said...
"Come on Bhai snehu MAA tries her best to be in touch with all her cousins come now greet them... Or should I tell Shanaya Bhabhi to welcome them..." Avu said smiling..
"No not at all I can't afford Shanaya having this impression about my family..."
"It looks like you love your aunt and her family a lot Jeeju.."
"Oh please Han those ladies are like lady Tremaine and her daughters of Cinderella.... God I hate them so much."
"Bhai they are not even that harsh to you * Avu said...
"Ya I know that... But they are to you " Jeeju said making a face....now I realized why Jeeju is so angry on them otherwise I have never seen him being so negative about any of his relatives...
"To Avu...??but why ??what did she do...??" Sam asked... Even I was curious about this..
"Nothing important Sam it's just that they don't like Bhai giving me so much attention as a sister when I am not blood related to them that's it but Bhai here is just exaggerating they just taunt me indirectly nothing unbearable..." Avu said laughing...
"Fine as I can see Avu being so attached to them I should introduce Sid to my sweet cousins Anjali and Soumya... I am sure they will like Sidharth and his abs..." Jeeju said eyeing towards Avu...now all colour from Avu's face vanished she glared at Jeeju came near me wrapped her arms around my arm and said...
"No need... he is happy not being introduced to them" Jeeju and Sam laughed at her... And I looked at her pouty face she is so cute when she makes this face specially when she is being possesive...she looked at me and said...
"And you Mr Nigam it would be better if you wear your shirt 24*7 and same for you too Sam..." She said
"Arey why should I..."
"Because you are my best friends boyfriend " she said
"Okay okay fine come let's go now I think Jeeju's cousin will be waiting..." I said and we all came to the hall.... And saw a aunty wearing a weird combo of western and Indian salwar talking with Mami... As soon as she saw Jai Jeeju she came towards him and squeezed him into a hug literally squeezed him
"Namaste massi...." He said with fake smile...
"Aww I missed you soo much Jai I can't believe you are getting married it sounds like yesterday that you were playing on my lap" he said wiping her tears which was invisible I guess because I couldn't see them Avu went and touched her feet and she just smiled at her
I and Sam went near her and folded our hands into a namaste...
"This is my son Sameer and this is Vibha's son Sidharth.." Mami introduced us to Jeeju's cousin...
"Ya ya who doesn't know about them the infamous Nigam brothers infact Sidharth came to Soumya and Anjali's college for a basketball tournament and did a spectacular performance infact they won I must tell you Soumya was so impressed by his skills..." She said eyeing to me and it was kind of awkward Infront of Mami so I just smiled...
"Arey talking about Soumya and Anjali where are your kids Smita " Snehal aunty asked...
"Oh they will be here only..... Here they come " she said pointing towards the door..." I looked towards the door and two girls were standing there
Shit why was Sid good at basketball aaaaaah how many girls I have to handle first that Samaira now this Soumya... I saw both of them coming towards there mother but both of there eyes were towards the boys I know these two sisters.... god please save my dear Sid...
"Hi maasi " they said to Snehal MAA and hugged her then turned to Jai Bhai...
"Hi bhaiya..." And hugged him too...
"We missed you..." They said giggling bhai widened his eyes and just smiled...
"Ya both of them did you know they were so excited for the wedding they wanted to come to the engagement also but Soumya had a important exams to attend..."
"Exam but all colleges are having there vacations now..." Bhai asked..
"Ya but I don't understand their college keeps exam in weird timings " she said and laughed Bhai came near my ears and whispered...
"Must have failed in her internals..." He said and I chuckled...that drew all of there attention towards me...I stopped chuckling and put up a straight face...
"Oh hi Avneet... I was guessing only family members would be there but I guess guests have started arriving also..." Anjali said eyeing me...
"She is more than a family to me Anjali obviously she needs to be there in all of the functions of her brother's wedding " Bhai said holding my shoulders...
Anjali gave us a fake smile...
"Smitaji let's go you and the girls would be tired please come and eat your breakfast then you can go and rest..." Sarita aunty said to them...
"Ya ya sure come girls..."
Soumya nudged Anjali and I couldn't understand why...
"No no mom you carry on we both are not hungry... We will just chat with Bhai..." They said Smita aunty nodded and went from there.... As soon as the elders were gone both the girls came near Bhai and said...
"Bhaiya aren't you going to introduce us to Bhabhi's brothers..." They said eyeing towards both Sam and Sid...
Just then Rads arrived there
"Good morning everyone....Sorry Avu I slept a lot today " she said.
"It's okay babe.... Anyways meet Soumya and Anjali... They are bhai's cousin" I said ..
"Hi..."Rads said...
"Hi..." Both of them replied...and then we're again looking at Bhai who was quite by now... But when he felt there glare on him he understood and called Sid and Sam there...
"Ya Jeeju..."Sam asked...
"This is Soumya...and this is Anjali... My cousins...." He said...
"Hi..." Both of them chirped...
"Hi Soumya...hi Anjali..."  Sam said...
"Nice to meet you girls..." Sid said flashing his smile on them... Oh god Sid anyways they are drooling on you you don't need to flash that charming sexy greek god smile on them....
"Same here Sidharth " Soumya replied....fluttering her lashes...
"Avu why don't I feel like these girls are good news "Rads whispered into my ears...
"Ya I have the same feelings too.." I said...just then bhai's phone buzzed...
He checked it and said...
"Guys will you please show them there room I will need to go to dad he needs me for something..." Bhai said looking at me and Rads ..
We both nodded...
After he was gone from there both the girls  chirped again...
"Btw Sam you are much more handsome then your pics..." Anjali said stroking her fingers on Sam's arms....
"Oh... Thank you but where did you..."he asked...
"Obviously Instagram... I mean we follow you guys..." Anjali said...
"And Sid the last story you uploaded working out was hot..." Soumya said...
"Ahem ahem... Soumyaaaa.... Anjali...we should show you guys your rooms you both must be tired " I said glaring at both of them...
"Ya Avneet is right anyways Sid and Sam would be busy as tomorrow we all will be moving to the resort..." Rads said...
"You guys can go Sid and Sam can show us our rooms..... I hope you guys don't mind me calling you guys Sid and Sam..." Anjali said...
Both of them nodded...
"Ahem ahem...." I coughed looking at the girls...
"But girls Rads is right we are kind of busy for tomorrow even you guys would be tired due to the journey... you rest we can talk later..." Sid said and both of them went from there... Both the girls looked at us as if we stole something from them and huffed..
We were walking towards there room when Anjali asked...
"I have seen you somewhere but I can't remember where... " She said to Rads may be she saw some stories that Sam keeps posting on Instagram...I thought to myself...
"Anyways who are you btw..." Soumya asked...
"She is my best friend..." I said...
"I didn't know we were allowed to bring friends with us Roshni would have been more than happy to come to the Nigam house..."
"Ya it would have been nice to see her face I mean I can't believe we are here sis I was so dieing to meet Sid... He is damn hot..."
"Ya and so is Sam... Oh god hotness is in there genes..." I was fuming with anger by now and so was Rads...
"But you know I saw him posting a lot of pics with the girl from his college it looked like they were dating..." Soumya said to Anjali...
"Ya ya... And I am like so jealous of these St  Teresa girls but doesn't matter she is not here I am sure I will able to woo him now then that girl can go to hell..." Anjali said and by now Rads had clutched my hand I am sure if we were in Dehradun now Anjali's face would have been destroyed with scratches... By now...
"Don't they know that you study there.." she whispered into my ears..
"No nobody rather than my family and Jai bhai's family know... Neither have I ever kept any connection with these two..." I said glaring at them we showed them there room and went to ours
"Fuck weren't there enough in our college itself that we have to handle these type of girls here also "
"Ya Rads... Anyways I hate them a lot " I said
"Leave it they will be fine once they don't get the attention from them..."
"Yup ..." I replied after that we both got busy with Bhabhi with the preparation then the packing too I was just going towards the kitchen when a hand grabbed my wrist and pushed me towards a room and then covered my mouth at first I was afraid but then again I knew the touch...
"Don't shout it's me..." He said and removed his hands...
"Sid what is this you will give me a heart attack someday what if somebody had seen us " I said...
"Arey isliye to room me leke aaya hun so nobody can see us..." She said slipping his arms into my waist and coming close to me... He was about to seize my lips but I kept my hands between...
"Can I know the reason of my kidnapping first" I asked...
"Ok fine... Sam and I have planned something on the terrace today you know drinks and snacks but only snacks for you.... For the youngsters Sam told he will tell Rads so I came to inform you..."
"Oh Acha... you could have just texted me that  Sid " I said then he pulled me towards a wall and caged me with his arms and said
"Then I wouldn't have been able to do this my love..." With that he started coming near me and went near my ear and kissed just under it and started moving towards my jawline making all of my blood rush to my cheeks
"Sid leave me na... Koi aa Jayega..."I said being nervous...
"Ok fine you are saved now because I need to talk to the caterers now but I am not going to leave you in the party..." He said finally moving away from him and I blushed profusely...
"Oh yes... I got you a gift " he said and took out a rectangular box from his pocket which was wrapped up...
"No Sid you already got me so much stuff from the mall I am not taking anything from you now..." I said
"Take it na baby it's not that expensive " he said...
"Ok fine..." I took it from him and opened it
"A cough syrup??why are you giving me a cough syrup" I asked...confused...
"Woh... Today you were coughing a lot seeing Soumya flirting with me so I thought you may need it..." He said smirking at me..
I hit him in his arm and said..
"Shut up okay I was not getting jealous..." I said not facing him he turned me towards him and started coming near me again... I moved back and collided with the wall...
"I never said you were jealous my love I said you were just coughing a lot and glaring at her like you will kill her and throwing those possesive but sooo hot dagger looks at me... That's it... This is obviously not jealousy..." He said with sarcasm...I smiled at him...
"May I know why Soumya was treated like that though " he asked smirking again I need to do something to wipe that smirk of... I held his collar and turned him towards the wall now which was quite easy as I took him by surprise...
"Because...." I said...
"Because...." He repeated...
"This handsome greek god over here belongs to me and nobody fucking nobody is allowed to flirt with him" I said keeping my fingers at his chest...
"Uffff.... Hayeeee.... You will kill me someday with your boldness Ms Kaur..." He said grabbing my waist again...
"Not so soon Mr Nigam abhi to aapko bahut Kuch Karna baaki hai..."
Suddenly his eyes brightened thinking all the naughty stuff obviously...
He pulled me more closer...
"What may I know..." He asked...
"Don't get so much excited sweetheart I was talking about you going and talking to the caterers..." I said..
"They can wait for another 10 minute but I can't wait anymore..."
"Wait anymore for what " I asked confused...
"This...." He brought his hands on my cheeks and then moved his face towards me and slowly kept his lips on mine and kissed me gently... And left I opened my eyes and looked at him..
"I am never gonna get used to your kisses..." I said...
"Good because I am never going to stop it either" he said and we kissed again...
Soon the whole day was over and it was the time to go to the terrace....
"So babe what are you wearing " Rads asked...
"Didn't decide but I am gonna keep it casual anyway it's just a get together..." I said...
"Ya me too..." She replied we both got ready within half an hour and went to the terrace it was decorated with fairy lights and stands with food on them the  songs were playing in the background and few people were  even dancing in the middle as soon as we entered I saw Bhai and Bhabhi surrounded by some of Bhabhi's cousin and Soumya and Anjali too...I and Rads went there...
"You look damn beautiful Bhabhi" I complemented...
"So do you both..." She replied back...
"Thank you..." Rads replied...
"You know I am so happy about Sid and Sam arranging this get together...I mean it would be a nice way to know each other from tomorrow onwards it's gonna be all wedding chaos..." Bhabhi said...
"Ya me too..." Bhai said...
"Ya Bhabhi it was so nice of them I mean it really felt welcoming... Your brothers are really a gem of a person" Anjali said in a flattering tone...
"Awww... That's sweet of you " Bhabhi replied...
"Ya so much...sweet I may die of diabetes..." Bhai replied sarcastically I and Rads giggled...
Bhabhi hit him in his arms and said...
"Shut up Jai... Don't tease them" she said...
"No Bhabhi it's fine this is normal between us..." Anjali said...
"Ya you tease the one you are more close to anyways..."Soumya said... Eyeing towards me...
"Ya sure he is..." Bhabhi replied not understanding why she was looking at me...just then a romantic song started playing Bhai turned towards Bhabhi and said...
"My dear future wife would you care for a dance..." He asked Bhabhi...Bhabhi just smiled and nodded and they went to dance...after a few minutes...
"Oh god where are these Nigam brothers I mean all these romantic songs are going on and what is the use of dressing up so much if Sameer Nigam is not here to look at me" Anjali said...that is when I noticed what they were wearing they both were dressed for a cocktail party or something

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