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Sorry for the late update again–

Jungkook's POV

I am at Yoongi hyungs clinic, I was at the lounge part area. I filling up some forms for my registration here as a mpreg. I feel so anxious right now— even last night. I haven't talk about it yet to him... not planning to tell everything soon to him. Am I being selfish?

"Mr. Jeon you are next." I heard my last name was called.

I walk inside the office and sits comfortably in the sofa while listening to Yoongi hyung whining to Jin hyung— who else would it be.

"Hello? Hyung! I am hungry!" He said, he was talking to him via call.

"I want my cinnamon bread hyung!" He whines again.

And I suddenly feel like I wanna eat some cinnamon bread too. Oh I should buy cinnamon essence too. Maybe I should go visit the mall later today... — wait. Is this some kind or pregnancy hormones thingy? I sighed.

"Oh— kook you are there already!" Yoongi hyung greeted me with his gummy smile.

"I am going to hang up now."

"I want my cinnamon or you will never see me again!" He said and hanged it up.

He looked at me. "So yeah— you are here because you are pregnant...— wait! You are!" Yoongi said surprised.

"Well... we need to check it again. I will be giving you this PT, you know how to use it. Then come back here." Yoongi hyung told me, I nodded then went to the restroom to do what I told so to do.

I saw the two lines again... I am not sure why I am feeling this happiness and sadness at the same time... is it because I don't want anything of this end?

I sighed, and went out to the restroom.

I handed the PT to Yoongi hyung, he smiled at me and congratulated me. I tried to smile but it looks like he won't buy this fake smile of mine. He looked at me before he started writing. He put down his pen, then lean on his swivel chair comfortably.

"Listen here Kook. You should not be stress." Yoongi started.

"Looking at your eyes right now, I can see how anxious you are. As your doctor... if you are ready to open the cause of your stress you can always spill it to me." Yoongi hyung said, I smiled... at least I know I can talk to my doctor. But I'm not ready to open this up yet.

"My nurse is outside waiting for you, she will assist you with all your check ups." He said.

I followed her nurse, we did some blood test, urinary test, and some checkups. I saw a couple, I am guessing the other guy could be mpreg. The nurse looked at me she suddenly started talking, she said that the other boy was pregnant and anytime soon will give birth. I looked at them... they look so happy.

"You haven't told it?" She suddenly asked. I looked at her and shakes my head.

"I am sure he will be the happiest. Like you are so cute, if the baby get all those cute features of yours she or he will be god or goddess!" She exclaimed sounding so excited on behalf of me.

"Ah— thank you I guess?" I answered awkwardly.

"Here are all your results. Dr. Min will read and explain it for you. You can go back in his office now." She said smiling to me.

When I came back in his office he smiled at me. I smiled back and handed all of my results.

"Looks like you need to stop eating salty food. Do you always eat instant food?" He asked.

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