Chapter Nine - Something never done before

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A/N: This whole scene doesn't work nearly as well unless you listen to the song that I've written down below. Plus it's an epic song so go play it with full volume for impact pahaha.

Francis' POV


The Hunna have been playing for a while now and I've never sweated so much in my life. The concert is one of the most intense ones I've ever been to - every time one mosh pit finishes, another one is opening. Billie and I are of course in every single one. Energy is flowing through me and I can't stop dancing.

'IGHTF' starts to play and me and Billie cheer loudly, it being both of our favourite songs.

As the chorus picks up, in the mental crowd I notice Billie standing completely still, staring at me as thoughts flow through her face.

"And I don't wanna ever come down, oh no
And I don't wanna ever come down, oh no
And I don't wanna ever come down, oh no"

She turns to me and time instantly slows. Her eyes wander to my lips and hover there for a moment before returning her gaze back to my eyes. She cups my cheeks with both her hands and inches closer. The music begins to fade and her deep, shaky breaths grows louder. I bring my hand to her face and brush the back of my fingers onto her flushed cheek, then down to her neck - her eyes don't leave mine for a single second. I bring my other hand to her face and tilt my head slightly, feeling myself drawing closer to her like a magnet.

The music starts to scream.

"I get high to forget you,
I get high to forget you,
And I don't wanna ever come down."

She smashes her lips against mine and kisses me passionately. I can tell how long she's been waiting from the desperation to keep us locked together. I hungrily push back, bringing her even closer with my hand that was behind her neck. She grips onto my face tighter, not wanting the kiss to end. I can feel the heat in her soft cheek that I cup. We continue to slam our lips against one another roughly and intensely, completely lost in ourselves.

Everyone frantically moshes around us but it's like we are in our own world: everything else is background but her and her soft, beautiful lips.

The songs ends and the crowd roars with excitement. I pull away breathless, resting my forehead against hers. A huge grin forms on both of our faces like cheshire acts. We start to giggle giddily, both our hands cupping each other's faces.

The music of the next song picks up and we're pulled away into a sucker pit. We jump as we scream the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

This concert tops any one I've ever been to. Every time I'm with Billie, it becomes the new best moment of my life, and this was no different.

As the last song ends, we take each other's hands and weave our way out of the audience, through the festival.


Arriving back at the hotel, I let go of her. She gives me a smirk.

"I still work for you." I laugh.

For a split second, a wave of disappointment falls on her face as she remembers my place with her. It's followed by a smirk.

"Our secret." She whispers.

I nod - that gives me time to wrap my head around everything and figure out what to do next.

"Come on." I smile. "Let's go find the others."


We enter a room full of everyone on the team celebrating. Billie and I instantly pull a confused face.

"Y'all, what the hell is going on?" She asks.

"Have you read the reviews on your concert?" Mike asks, beaming.

Finneas pulls out his phone and starts to quote an article. "'Eilish is a revolutionary. Her abstract performance quite literally brought art to the stage - something never done before. She has changed the way in which our mind's work through her dark, hypnotising set design and stage presence."

"There are hundreds of these." Claudia says, pulling both Billie and I into a hug.

"You've transformed this brand." Mike congratulates me. "We couldn't have ever created a set like that without you."

I look over to Billie and grin. She bites her lower lip softly as she grins back.

The success I've gained from this has been crazy. I've known her six days - six freaking days - and she's already changed my life.

A women in her late 40's embraces her in a tight squeeze. She then makes her way over to me and instantly pulls me into a hug.

"Hello, my darling. I'm Maggie, Billie's and Finneas' mom. Congratulations on the articles."

She pulls away and looks me up and down. "Billie was right. You're very beautiful."

I turn to Billie in shock and she bursts out laughing.

"Thank you." I reply, not sure what to say at the extremely unexpected comment from someones mom. I try my hardest not to giggle.

I make small talk with her for a few minutes, then escape the room and walk down the corridor until I find a big window where no one's around.

I pull out my phone and press Luke's number.

"You fucking did it." He laughs down the phone, immediately bringing a giant smile across my face.

"So, you read the articles."

"Every last one. And I watched the concert live on YouTube. Francis, the shit you did with the screens and lighting was fucking mental. How the hell is anyone that talented?"

I slide down the wall and sit on the ground, looking out at the view.

"I miss you." I whisper.

"You saw me yesterday."


"I miss you, too."

Butterflies fill my stomach. Hearing his voice is so soothing and calming after all the madness.

"I love you, Lucien."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

I hang up the phone and lean the back of my head against the wall and close my eyes, my lips subconsciously curled up either side of my mouth.

"Yo." A soft voice calls.

I hear Billie take a seat opposite to me, leaning her back against the other wall. I keep my eyes shut.

"I can't believe this is real." I chuckle.

After a moment, I open my eyes and look at Billie. She's already looking.

"You're not going to let me kiss you again, are you?" She says, trying to read me.

I turn to the window and admire the view for a few seconds, before turning back to her. My eyes trail to her lips and stay there. Flashbacks of our kiss flow through my mind.

Standing up, I meet my eyes with hers and smirk, before walking back to where everyone else is.


IF WE WERE MEANT TO BE // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now