Chapter Twenty Three - To be able to see you

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A/N: smut warning! if you don't wanna read it, all the important stuff is at the beginning of the chapter - it's just an extra at the end so you can stop reading and won't miss anything.

"Francis, is your girlfriend coming over?" Madison calls from the sofa.

"Ooh, don't mention the g word. We all she hates that shit." Grayson laughs as he sticks his head inside the fridge. I grab an orange from the kitchen counter and throw it at him.

"You guys aren't official?" Made continues as I plonk down next to her, shaking my head in response. "Well, you must be exclusive?"

"I don't think either of us would want to be with anyone else in that way. Not now." I reply.

"Are you going to take her on a date?"

"That's not exactly our thing."

"What is your thing?"

"Ok, enough with the interrogation." I laugh, avoiding the question as I don't know the answer.

"Wait, so is she coming over or not?" Grayson chimes in, popping a piece of toast in his mouth. That boy is always eating.

"Yeah, I asked her to help me with something."

"Ooo, mysterious. You gonna ask to draw her like a French girl?" He smirks.

"I didn't realise 'Titanic' was your kind of movie." I smirk back, causing him to blush ever so slightly. Madison and I both burst into giggles just as the door bell to our flat rings.

Opening the door, my eyes instantly widen. Billie is dressed in a beautiful, flowy, white shirt with the Gucci logo subtlety weaved throughout the material. She has matching shorts and thick silver chains covered in diamonds that cascade down her neck. Her hair is in a messy bun, with pieces of hair that have fallen out all over her face. I push them away from her eyes and smile, leaving my hand cupping her cheek.

"Ugh, get your mushy ass away from me. Yo, are those Takis on the table?" She says, waltzing into the flat and leaving me grinning in the doorway.

Going over to Madison, she tightly squeezes her in a hug from behind, then casually fist bumps Gray. After the trip to San Francisco, they've all become really good friends.

"Where's Luke?" She asks.

"He's gone to meet some more publishers about his book."

"I thought they were in England." She replies nonchalantly, making me realise that he lied to me. Where would he be that he would want to hide it from me? I try to convince myself that it's just a misunderstanding, then walk Billie to my bedroom.

"Someone's eager as hell." She says, giving me a flirtatious stare as I shut the door.

"You wish." I scoff. She rolls her eyes, then softly smiles.

"Why did you need my help? My weak ass won't be able to lift shit if that's what you want me to do."

"Sit here." I command, to a seat next to my piano. She does so and I sit on the piano stool. "Now, shut your eyes." I whisper. She gives me a look and I give one back, then she closes her eyes.

I take a deep, shaker breath, then begin to gently sing.

"I can hear the sound of your barely beating heart.
Pieces on the ground from the world that fell apart.

Just hold on.
It won't be long.

Like the wind that cries,
I can feel you in the night.
A distant lullaby,
Underneath the shattered sky.

I will find you,
Here inside the dark.
I will break through,
No matter where you are.

I'll be the light and lead you home when there's nowhere left to go.
I'll be the voice you always know when you're lost and all alone.
I won't let you go."

I slowly take my hands off the keys and look over to her. Apart from her slightly trembling lip, her face is still.

"Open your eyes." I whisper, hoping from them to show me what she's thinking.

"You wrote that? About me?" She says, struggling to get the words in her state of shock.

"I knew you were scared. I wasn't sure how to make you realise you shouldn't be. I thought music was the right way to do it - the way to make you understand."

She stands up and takes a step towards me, putting out her hand for me to take. I give her a look, unsure of what she's doing.

"I followed you. Now, take my hand." She whispers. I do so and she pulls me to the bed.

I lie back and she lays on top of me, staring at the collar of my shirt. Slowly, she slides it off my shoulder until it can't go any lower. Bringing her other hand up, she unbuttons my shirt and takes it off, leaving my see-through, black, lace bralette exposed. She starts to place a soft, delicate kiss on my lips, exploring my back with her hands until she finds the clasp of my bra and undoes it. I pull away from the kiss and make eye contact with her. "Trust me," she whispers, before grabbing a strap with her finger and slowly bringing it down my arm until it falls off my hand. After doing the same with the other strap, she takes off her own, throwing the beautiful white top on the floor.

As she goes in for another kiss, I stop her and bring my hands to the back of her necklace and winding my fingers through her chains. "Let me take these off. I want to be able to see you." She ever so slightly nods, then leans into my lips as I unhook each necklace one by one.

Her fingers lightly trace along the side of my neck and her kisses trail behind. She works her way to my shoulder, then across my collarbone and down the centre of my chest. She stays there, suck and biting at the bare skin as her hands move either side and her thumbs delicately rub across my nipples. I take in a deep breath as her lips replace one of her thumbs.

She draws both hands down, following my figure like outlining a silhouette. Her kisses follow a central line down my body until she reaches my skirt. Carefully undoing the zip, she slides it off, then proceeds to remover her own shorts. Placing a small kiss over the top of my underwear, I sharply inhale. "Is this okay?" She whispers, meeting my eyes. I run my hands through her hair and grip tightly, pulling her face back up to mine. I begin to laugh, repeating the word "yes" through lots of kisses and giggles.

She tries to go lower but I stop her, causing her to give me a questioning look. I roll us over so that I'm on top. Her face instantly changes to a smirk (or more her trying to contain an excited grin.)

"You don't always get the control, Eilish." I smile.

"I think I'll live."


Sorry if you don't like smut
Sorry if you like more smut - do people want more/ more graphic?

I wanted to remind readers that they haven't talked about what they are in terms of what they mean to each other
Also remember they haven't said I love you yet!



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