Chapter Twelve - I Don't Get Played The Fool

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Billie's POV


I wake up and instantly feel a headache throbbing. Groaning, I sit up and grab my Aquaphor - I don't want no booty hole looking, crusty ass lips.

After pulling my hair into a messy bun, I throw on my jumper and chains. Letting out a huff, I have no idea what to do with myself. I want to go see Francis, but after the panic attack my body feels like jelly. Noticing a bag at the end of my bed, I suspiciously grab it. It's filled with burritos - Fin knows me too well. Diving into the food, I don't realise the knocking at the door for a while.

"Come in." I beam, thinking it's Fin, hoping it's Francis.

The food literally falls out of my mouth as my jaw drops.

"What the fuck are you doing, here?" I snap, anger rising through my body.

Jordan saunters in with a smirk on his face. He plonks himself down on the sofa.

"Get the fuck out." I demand. He ignores me.

"I read your Rolling Stones interview." He replies calmly, knowing he has the upper hand.

I remember everything I said about him - how we were dating and how I loved him. Now I know that that shit wasn't love, it was an escape from myself.

"I did that interview months ago."

"And I only read it a few days ago."

"How the fuck are you even in England?"

"Mike flew me in."

I throw my head into my hands. Mike was only trying to be nice but he really fucked up.

"Well he can fly your ass back."

He stands up and walks over to the bed.

"Do you mean that?" A mischievous look fills his eyes and a snide grin tugs at his mouth.

Francis' POV

It's pouring with rain outside and Luke's meeting with his publisher, so Claudia and I invited everyone to hang out in our room for the afternoon. We've put on a horror movie because Billie loves them so much, but she's the only one who isn't here.

Muffled shouts come from outside the room. All of us are trying to concentrate on the movie but can't when Billie is screaming swear words constantly.

Finneas told me that Jordan is Billie's ex and that it ended badly. But other than that, I know nothing.

"If you don't fucking leave now I swear to god I will fucking kill you!" She screeches. The whole team goes deadly silent and awkwardly stares at each other.

We hear footsteps storm off, followed by silence.

A few more minutes pass, then she opens the door and creeps in, her eyes bloodshot and teary. She takes a seat next me on the floor, leaning against my bed. Her hood is up but I can see how red her face is.

She doesn't look at me, and I don't look at her. We both sit there in silence, watching the mood. I slip my hand into hers and she jumps, inhaling sharply. Realising it's me, she relaxes. Bring our hands to her lap, she fiddles with my fingers anxiously. Her eyes are stuck to the television but I can tell she isn't watching the film.

"Thank you." She whispers croakily. "For today... in the reception."

I can tell her mind is racing and she doesn't want a reply.

We watch the movie and by the end everyone is acting normal again.

As the closing titles come on, Billie's hand pulls away from mine. I look over to her and she grins. Relived she's feeling better, I smile back.

"Get that goofy ass smile away from me." She laughs, nudging me with her shoulder.

Finneas claps his hands together. "Right, who wants to get drunk?"

The team cheers and exits as they get ready to go clubbing.

Billie's phone buzzes and she swiftly follows everyone out, not saying anything to me before she does so which is very unlike her - she likes to say something to leave me in knots.

I ignore it, knowing that she's had the shortest day ever, first with the panic attack and then with Jordan.


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franciskingston England's growin' on me

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maddiebaddie IMISSYOUUUU

grayson is that my jacket?

franciskingston @grayson not anymore ;)

"Where's Billie?" I ask Finneas. We're in the reception waiting for the taxis to go to the club.

"She's making her own way there." He replies, disapprovingly.

Luke enters the hotel in a lavish leather jacket and a small diamond stud earring in one of his lobes.

"Damn." I chuckle. He puts an arm around my shoulder.

"Umm, Fin." Claudia says, coming over to us. She nods to the front entrance and we all turn to look.

Through the glass doors, I see Billie getting into a car with Jordan. She is clearly braless and her shorts are inside out. Her hair is all over the place and her chains are knotted. I don't think it needs to be explained what clearly happened between the two of them.

She doesn't notice us and shuts the door behind her. The car races off.

"Idiot." Finneas scoffs.

"You good?" Luke asks me, confused at my mood change.

"Never better." I reply, coldly.

I don't get played the fool. Not by anyone. I don't care if your name is Billie fucking Eilish.

A/N: Sorry this update took a bit longer :/ but I'm so excited for where the story's going!

What do you think will happen next?




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