Chapter Twenty Four - A Power Over Me

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Billie's PoV

As, I wake up the next morning in Francis' bed, my eyes caress each and every part of her body. The blanket is draped over her, stopping just at her hips, leaving her beautiful skin on show. I roll onto my back and throw my hands up in the air with victory, quietly so I don't wake her. Finally, I got to be with her in the fullest way possible - not only do our minds work in sync, but our bodies, too.

"What the hell are you doing?" A croaky voice whispers with a slight giggle.

I flop my arms back down on the bed and try to stop grinning, but the edges of my mouth refuse and continue to tug at my lips. "I ain't doing shit." I reply.

She smirks, giving me a non convinced look, then turns over to return to sleep, her back now facing me. I place my fingers at the top of her neck then gently draw my hand down her spine. She wriggles slightly as I see tingles erupt through her body. Replacing my fingers with my lips, I once again begin at her neck, then slowly follow her spine. She takes in a slight shaky breath, loud enough to tell me not to stop. Before I get too low, I return my butterfly kisses to her shoulder. She rolls onto her back to face me, and I place one last soft kiss on her lips.

"Are you excited for today?" She whispers. I grin.

"What's happening today?" Grayson calls, approaching the bedroom door. We grab the blanket in alarm and pull it up to cover our naked bodies.

"You ass." Francis laughs, grabbing a pillow and chucking it at him. He gives us a cheeky smile, then pops the last of his avocado toast in his mouth, licking his fingers after.

"So, how was last night?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and knowing exactly what he's doing.

"Shut up, dude." I reply. He gives us one last smirk before leaving.

"Fuck." Francis says, picking up her phone. "Look at the time."

She shows my her phone and the time 11:04 beams.

"Shit, we were supposed to be there 5 minutes ago. Finneas is gonna kill me."


Half an hour later, we both burst through the doors of the office meeting room, puffing for breath. The whole of our team looks up, as well as a new man sat at the end of the table.

"Great." I hear Fin mumble to himself, rolling his eyes. "Billie, this is Danny. He's going to manage us."

The man comes over and shakes my hand, then does the same with Francis, before telling her, "I've seen your work and I can't wait to work with you." He then looks at me. "Both of you. You're artists who are transforming the way we see the world. I want to make sure that happens."

I look at Francis and she raises her eyebrows with a small smirk tugging at her lip.

"Yo, I'm in. Let's do this shit." I say, sticking out my tongue as I grin.

We all take seats at the table and Danny pulls out a laptop.

"So, I've been looking through everything that you're last manager did and I must admit there are a lot of holes in this upcoming tour. Francis, I'll need you working on a lot more - I'm talking merchandise, posters, set. I'll link you up with a friend of mine who will help you plan lighting and tech for the show. Billie and Finneas, we need a lot more beat drops. I'm picturing the audience moshing with a strong bass blasting through their bodies. Do you think you can amplify your songs to do that?"

IF WE WERE MEANT TO BE // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now