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Just two days ago, my story was at 195 reads, which I was extreamely happy with. I have never posted any of my work online before (keep in mind I am 13). Then, two days later when I have been too busy to look, its at 1.49k!!!!!!!

I would just like to thank everybody for reading this story, and I plan to make more frequent updates. I feel as though I just jumped over the moon!!!

If any of you have a suggestions of where you want the story to go, this is YOUR chance to participate! You can add a character, get an old character to come back, choose a point of view or just give me an idea in general! Any suggestions that I include will get a personnal thanks as well as a shoutout.

But if thats not for you, how about the cover? I am now opening a cover competition between now and..?  Send it in quick and then all my readers can vote for the best one for me to use on this very book!

Again thankyou all so SO much for all of your support and voting on these chapters!  They do take me a long time to write. Make sure that you continue to read my stories and have followed me account.

Mia x


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