Chapter twenty one

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Pearl looked at Blade for a minute before she let out a little giggle. She couldn't help it. There couldn't have been that high a chance that she could be pregnant, was there? Blade just stared at her in horror before sighing. "Pearl, flower. Werewolves work differently to you humans, I think... Wolves are only pregnant for two months, so you'll be for about two to three. Humans have a 15 to 25% chance of concieving... although, wolves have about 50." 

Pearl continued to stare at him, her smile slipping away. "But as I am an Alpha, its our nature to want to have an heir. So, a child. So there is a bit of a higher chance..." Pearl watched as he swallowed down a lump in his throat, before he continued. "Alphas have a 75 to 90% chance" .

Pearls face instantly lost all of its colour. She had only just turned seventeen a few days ago. She was too young to have a child of her own! Sure, she knew that Blade was the one she would eventually have kids with, but she would want to wait until she about twenty five, at least! And that was eight years away...

But then it accured to her; Blade was twenty five. In eight years time, he may not want to have kids. He would be thirty three, and werewolves tended to have their pups young. But then again, Pearl was no she wolf. She was just your average every day girl. A face that would be lost in the crowd. Although, after every thing that she had been through, she tried to think of her self as a little bit higher. After all; she was the Luna of this pack.

"Flower" Blade began, almost as if he were hesitant as to not startle her too much. "If you are pregnant, I just want you to know that I am here for you. And I won't leave your side. With or without the child, you are mine and mine only." Pearl stared up at Blade with love and awe struck in to her perfect little wonderous eyes. 

"When can I take the test?"


A week had passed, and and dinner and been eaten. Every one was sat anxiously in the living room, awaiting news on their Luna. To make absoloute sure of the result, the pack doctor was doing a scan. And if their was a pup, they would be able to know its condition and its gender. 

Blade sat leant forward, legs wide apart. His elbows rested on each knee as he patiently awaited the news. She had been in their for over forty eight hours and he hadn't been allowed to go and see her once. Katie sat their too, hudled up close with her family. Beta Johnson had Harry on his alp, who wouldn't stop fidgeting, whilst Katie had her oldest son Xavier next to her. He was eight, which meant she was sixteen when she gave birth too him... before she met Johnson. 

But that was a personal issue.

After what felt like hours of waiting, Doctor Reynolds and another wolf appeared, Pearl behind them. Although, they could only just see her head. Blade growled, angry at the two wolves. The two of them stepped aside o reveal Pearl... with a small bump!

Pearl felt Blade and every one else staring at her, and it made her uncomfortable. "I'm pregnant" she whispered, barely audiable. Blades face lit up with happieness as he ran towards Pearl and captured her lips into his. The two would have kept going, if it wasn't for the company. "How has the baby grown so fast? Is there something wrong?" Blade asked, looking down at the bump. Even if the pup grew faster than a regular human, the bump was still bigger than it should have been. 

"Well, that is the thing..." Pearl said, looking up in to his big eyes. "I'm having triplets". Instant up roar took place, shouting and question firing every millisecond. "What are their genders?"  "Are they in good health?" "When are you due?" "Are you in danger?" "Is it safe to give birth?"

All of these questions came and went, but she answered them all calmly and politely. She was having two boys and one girl. They are all in good health, although some thing could always happen along their growth. She was due in about two months, it was uncertain yet. She was not in danger. It was safe to give birth, as long as she had several doctors to help her give birth the right way. A human giving birth to a werewolf was dangerous and tiring enough, but three> Pearl wasn't sure that she could handle it.

But she would do it for her babies.

Pearl already felt attached to them, and had several names in mind. Maybe she would name two of them after her parents... even if her father wasn't the ideal figure, she still had some happy memories with him. Or maybe she would name them after all the mates she rejected... no, that seemed a bit too weird. What about other people that were close to her? Like Petal, Layla and Peter?


She hadn't thought about him in so long. How was he? Was he getting along with his life? Had he found a girl that he wanted to marry? Maybe he had a little one on the way too? All of these thoughts put a small smile on to her face. She loved the thought of him having his own little family, and her being an auntie. Perhaps she could go and visit him some time? Although it would be dangerous with her other mates still out there, perhaps she could go after she had given birth? 

But that seemed so far away.

Words: 969

Thanks for reading another chapter of "Their Flower".

Question of the day: What would you name her children?

Mia x


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