Chapter thirty-six

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Blades P.O.V

She was alive.

She lay ther in her hospital bed all beaten up; 

And it was all my fault.

If I hadn't have swerved, none of this would have happened. Layla was luckily okay, being sat in the back. Obviously me and Luke were fine, as we were super natural. But my Flower?

She was wilting.

Covered in bruises and cuts, as plae as a ghost. It broke my heart to see like that. I never wanted my Flower to be in pain, and I worst of all, I was the one who inflicted it on her.

"Blade, I am really okay" she croaked. Her voice was so broken,  no life left in her eyes. I couldn't bare to even look at her. I just stared down at my hand slike a fool the entire time. I hadn't even been the nicest to her the past weeks, and here I was destroying anything that we had rebuilt.

And I didn't think we'd come back so strong this time.

"Don't talk. You don't need to. The doctor said to rest,". 

I was being harsh on her. Why was I being harsh on her God damnit! I wanted to blame thius whole situation on someone else, any one else. But I couldn't.

It was only me!

It was then that the doctor walked in. I instantly stood up from my seat, leaving behind my worried posture. I was still the Alpha of this pack and nothing was going to change that. 

"Doctor Reynolds" Pearl managed to say. It wasn't the fact that it hurt, the doctor had said, but she was just too tired and exhausted to pronounce the words.

"Oh Pearl, What have you done?" she said smiling lightly. Doctor Reynolds was one of her bridesmaids at our wedding.  It hurts to think about that day;

the day I so recklessly hurt her. 

And here I was doing it all over again. I never learnt. 

The Doctor carried out some tests on my beloved wife. Pearl didn't complain, just sat there calmly. Her bump was big, as she was almost of time. She had about a week until she was due, and this could have really affected her pups.

Our pups.

"Well, the pups should be okay. There is no sign of damage to them, but it might affect her time giving birth."

And with that sentence said I dragged the poor women out into the corridor, away from the ears of my Flower.

"Give it to me straight now  Reynolds. Don't even bend the truth a fraction".

She sighed, looking down at her board and pushing her glasses up closer to her eyes. 

"She might not make it."

My heart skipped several beats. My Pearl... she.... she might die?

"We knew all along that there was a fifty-fifty chance of life and death. She is just a human, Blade. It's hard enough for them to give birth to werewolves as it is, but her being a Luna did help the situation. But now? That was practicallyy stripped away from her in that crash. She has less chance of surviving than a regular human giving birth to them."

"Rey" I said. She was my friend after all, and titles could be pushed side in a time like it. "I need you to do everything in your power to save her. I can't lose another mate. I just can't!"

She sighed. She looked distressed; she wanted to help me,  know she did.... but then something was telling me that no matter what, our life just wasn't going to play out together. 

"Blade, of course we are trying everything that we possibly can. She is our Luna, after all. Every body is very upset to see her hurt, but come on now. You have to accept all possibilities, and thsi is the highest one. You should be happy that you got two chance to be with your mate. You know  very well that some members of thsi pack haven't even had one".

My head bowed down. It was true. I had been very lucky to have had both of my mates. I just felt like I had messed both opportunities up, and there definitely wasn't going to be a third. I just had to face; 

I was never going to get the family I had always wished for.

"Blade, how is she? I got here as soon as I could" 

I looked up to see Katie and John. I let out a sigh of relief. I really needed my best friend at a time like this, and I'm sure Pearl did too.

"She'll be fine for now" Rey said before walking off. I knew that her and John didn't get along for some reason, but it was between them. It wasn't for me to know, after all.

"For now? What the hell is she  talking about Blade?!" Katie demanded, passing baby Harry over into Johns' arms. She stalked up to me, like a wolf would do to its prey, and pointed a finger directly in my face.

"I swear to God, if she doesn't fully heal I am going to tear your head off that neck!"

I growled defensivly. She had no right to be saying those things to me; her Alpha! John grabbed her arm but she just pushed him off.

"No John! I am not standing by and just watchig this all play out; not again." She turned back to me. "Pearl saved you from a dark time and you know it. And what did you do? You took her for granted, Blade! Just like you did Michelle. And look where that got her"

I stopped short. 

"You didn't just bring her into it" I growled out at her. John growled back at me, clearly protecting his mate. 

"I did. The exact same thing happened to her. This is a repaet of your life. Did you ever wonder if the Moon Goddess was actually punnishing you? She gave you a second mate whos life would run the same path as your lasts'.  Now that would be the perfect pennance?"

She was right, of course. Michelle .... she was a lot like Pearl. Not in her looks, no, but in her soul. She had thsi perfect little giggle that would escape her lips at the cutest moments. Her long blonde hair and her innocent green eyes...

And she was all mine.

Pearl was innocent, exactly the same. And now, to die the same way as Michelle? It was absoloutely dreadful. Michelle was pregnant with my pup. She was a werewolf, however. But, we ahd had an argument one night. It caused her a lot of stress and she went into labour. 

Neither her nor the pup survived.

I looked at Katie. Her eyes held saddness, as if they knew what I was going through. But she could never know the pain that I felt. 

Doctor Reynolds sudden;y rushed into Pearls room, followed by several nurses. Lots of staff were shouting commands at one another. I stopped one of them before they ran into her room.

"What on earth is going on here?" She replied quickly and ran off to aid my Pearl.

She had gone into labour.

Words: 1179 

Oh my God! Pearl is giving birth to her three triplets! How is it going to play out? Is she going to survive? And what about her other mates? What were they planning to do?

Question of the day: Will she live?

Mia x


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