Part 20

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Two very unique and to some extent surprising things happened that day.

Firstly, I received a short but a sweet personal message on my story. A couple of my readers (one of them was Jenna) had supported my stand after I posted my open letter. But that day, several days after posting it, I received a message from a new reader who had stumbled upon my story and asked me to continue it. It read:

Accidentally came across your story. It is so real that many of my high-school memories are refreshed. Can't wait to read Emma's journey.

PS: I am team Aiden.

My heart went awww.... Up until then I had no idea there was team Liam and team Aiden. I immediately dropped a thank you note along with a comment that I was still undecided whether I was team Liam or team Aiden.

With all my previous writing, I had the start, the middle and the end of the story all drafted in my head before a word of it was written down. But with this story being stretched out beyond high school, for the first time in my life I was undecided about the end. I was just going with the flow.

I was on my phone reading and replying to this message, when I got a call from Aiden and that is when the second important thing of the day happened. I was just getting out of the office when I got his call. He asked me out to a movie.

'A movie, now?' I asked surprised that he had found a show at 6 on a weekday. I was not aware of any interesting movie playing.

'I heard great things about this movie so want to check it out. Since I have no company and also since this is on your way home, would you care to join me?' he asked from the other end of the line.

'Okay,' I replied instantaneously and then realised its close resemblance to the story. I stopped walking and stood glued to the spot. The first time could be swept aside as a coincidence but the second time....this was very weird. I knew this would play out at the back of my head while I was out with Aiden. And yet I decided to go out with him.

He stood smiling at the entrance with tickets in his one hand while with his other hand he smoothly rotated his phone, held between his thumb and the middle finger with swift moment of wrist.

'So which movie are we watching today?' I asked as I walked up to him.

'You'll see,' he said looking down at the tickets.

'What's with all the secrecy?' It had piqued my interest.

As soon as we reached the doorway I saw the poster and babbled, 'We are going to watch a cartoon....a kids movie?'

'Come on in, let me explain.' He held the door open for me.

We took our seats ...actually the theater was empty so we sat down where we wanted to. 'So?' I turned around and looked at him for an explanation.

'Well the truth is that I came to watch an action film. It is pretty gory is what I have heard.'

'And how does that explain ending up here?' I said pointing at the screen with both my hands.

Aiden looked hesitant. 'To tell you the truth, I was not sure you would come.' He slowly confessed.

My eyebrows shot up with surprise.

'And since I know how much you hate gory movies, I changed my plans. This was the only movie playing at this time so...' he trailed off.

I looked down with pursed lips and nodded with a little bit of guilt, a little uneasiness and a lot of thoughts. He changed his plans for me. Sensing that I was at loss for words, Aiden jumped in, 'Looks like we are the only ones here.'

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