Chapter 30

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"What is this?" Aret asked Abdullah that was holding a gel.

"Oh this, it's a shower gel, we use it to take our bath." He explained.

She looked surprised. "So you pour out the gel into the water?"

Abdullah laughed wholeheartedly, "oh no! You're such a village girl."

She pursed her lips. "Stop am not a village girl."

"Okay, I've heard. I'm off to take my bath. Ummi wants to see you."

She ambled towards Ummi's room. She knocked softly and when Ummi muttered a come in, she went into the room.

"Ummi, you called me." She said slowly and Ummi looked up at her, admiringly.

    "Yes sit please." Ummi pointed at the only couch in her room and she sat down. "How old are you?"

    "Seventeen." Ummi nodded. "It's about school. You stopped at?"

    "SS2, suppose to be in SS3 this new session." She answered calmly.

   Ummi liked her calmness. Three weeks ago when Abdullah returned with her, Ummi smiled widely at them. She took her to Sadiya's old room and she settled there. Though Aret felt uncomfortable but she's adapting in the new environment.

Ummi nodded again, "there is a new school nearby, Abdullah will take you there, tomorrow."

   "Thank you Ma." She smiled and Ummi also smiled at her. "Call me Ummi please."

The next day, Abdullah walked with her to the school. It was a ten minutes walk. He did everything necessary and collected her uniform which was a short grey skirt together with a long sleeve white shirt.

On their way back home, he teased her. "Somebody still goes to school, that somebody will have to wake up early and walk all alone to school."

    Seeing they were already at home, she turned to face him. "Yes and somebody will have to escort her every single day."

    "Kuch nahi! That somebody can't risk his sleep just to escort somebody to school."

She stormed upstairs to her room without replying him and he laughed.

Aret opened her eyes slowly and glanced at the wall clock. 6:57am! She jerked up immediately, without thinking twice, she took her bath and wore her new school uniform.

Bringing out the new pantyhose and loafers Ummi bought for her she quickly wore them and sat on the stool. She combed her hair and divided it into three parts. She loves it that way.

She greeted Ummi and skipped downstairs to the kitchen. She sipped her tea quitely before picking up her school bag from the kitchen island.

When she set her foot outside, she wished she had a cardigan. The weather was very cold.

     "It seems like somebody didn't notice me."

She turned and faced him, he was dressed in a black jeans together with a black hoodie, his legs were clad up in a black ankle socks and a black slippers. He looked casual yet sophisticated.

She smiled. "Good morning."

      "Morning, shall we?"

She nodded. "Yes, almost late."

   "I wanted to call you by 6am but remember you don't have a phone." He said as they were already out of the house.

    "You still divide your hair into three parts." His hands still staggered in his jeans pocket.

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