¿ 6 ?

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"i don't have work today," sam mumbled, laying on my sofa.
"me neither. and what are we?" i asked, sitting on the floor next to the sofa.
"i don't know. whatever you want us to be," he shrugged, patting the space inbetween his legs for me to lay there. i climbed into the space, laying with my stomach against his.
"well i don't know," i sighed, playing with his hand.
"well, i'm not gonna pressure you into anything, so take your time to decide, ok?" he smiled softly, letting out a small breath through his nose as he watched me slide off two rings he was wearing and put them on my own fingers.
"what're you doing?" he chuckled.
"i don't know," i shrugged, giggling.
"it's cute," he grinned, ruffling my hair.
"shut up," i giggled, blushing.
"there's the blush," he laughed, rubbing his thumb gently over my cheek. i giggled even more and hid my face in his chest, hugging him.
"you're beautiful," he put his finger on the bottom of my chin and made me look at him, making me blush and grin just a little more.
"and you're handsome," i giggled, leaning up to kiss him. he leaned down and kissed me softly, both of us grinning into it.
"i know i said i don't wanna pressure you into anything, and i don't, but could you give it a long hard thought about what we are? i just wanna be sure about it," he said with a smirk.
"i kinda want us to be an item but i don't wanna go too fast, ya know? we've been on one date, and i was drunk for the most of it," i explained, mumbling.
"so.. let's go on a date now? i can drive by mine and get dressed once you're ready and we can go," he grinned.
"yeah, let's do it," i giggled, jumping up off of him.
"what're we actually gonna do?" i asked, sitting on the floor again as he sat up.
"what do you think of the beach?" he asked with a grin.
"oh my god yes!" i giggled, jumping up and rushing upstairs. sam followed behind me, but a few steps away. i raced over to my wardrobe, grabbing a black t-shirt and blue boyfriend jeans.


sorry this one's super short lmao a filler and i also have close to no motivation to write :)

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