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"let's get you dried off, ok? you're literally shivering!" sam chuckled, wrapping a towel around me. i giggled and he wrapped his towel-covered arms around me, surrounding me with warmth. i sighed happily and he squeezed me before letting go, smiling. i giggled once again and rubbed my hair with the towel. sam had brought two pairs of swimming shorts, so we wore them and went into the sea. now both of us were soaked and cold, but it was worth it. we'd had a pretty heated makeout session in the water.
"can we go to the car?" i mumbled, my teeth chattering once again.
"yeah," he smiled softly and put his arm over my shoulders, giving me a little bit of warmth.
"it's f-freezing," i giggled as we reached the car.
"i know," he laughed, opening the door for me and jogging round to his side.
"i don't wanna get your seat wet," i frowned, still not in the car.
"put the towel on the seat and i'll get you a blanket in a second," he explained, doing the same for his seat and reaching into the back of the car. i did as he said, sitting down on the seat. he took a grey blanket and draped it over me, making me giggle.
"thank you," i grinned, feeling the softness from the blanket.
"you're welcome," he chuckled, wrapping the blanket around himself before starting the car.

"so, i've thought about what i want us to be.." i started, looking at sam who was sat next to me.
"and...?" he smiled expectantly.
"do you wanna be my boyfriend?" i giggled, intertwining our fingers and hoping for the best.
"yeah, of course," he laughed, wrapping his arms around me.
"you're my favourite person," i mumbled, hugging him tightly.
"you're mine," he chuckled, ruffling my slightly damp hair. when we got back, we'd both gotten dressed almost immediately due to the coldness.
"can we stay at yours tonight? even though i have work tomorrow?" i asked, looking up at him with big doe eyes.
"sure. i've got work tomorrow too," he sighed, rolling his eyes.
"i thought you liked where you work?" i frowned.
"no, i do, it's just i'd rather do stuff with you than serve people coffee all day," he chuckled, me putting my head on his shoulder.
"ah. i work at a clothes store in town so it's not too bad, but i'd rather be with you than there. some of the workers are a bit mean," i shook my head, playing with his hands.
"tell them to watch out, they've got a top dog to look out for if they're horrible to you. and what store is it?" he asked with a smile.
"topshop," i told him, shrugging.
"my friend brennen works there - is he one of the people who aren't nice to you?" he asked, rubbing my arm softly with one hand whilst i twirled the rings on his other hand.
"he's like the ringleader of it all! i have a couple of people who stick up for me but it doesn't do much. did you say he's your friend?" i said in shock.
"yeah, but not for long. what's your shift time tomorrow?"
"9 to 5."
"what a way to make a living. i'm kidding, i'm at 9 to 4 so i'll meet you there and take you home. tell me if he does anything else and i'll put a word in."
"ok, and thank you."
"you're welcome."


i couldn't stay away for long, this took me hours to write though. i'm lowkey thinking about making another book where the two are in a conversion camp and find eachother and escape?? idk, what do y'all think? i need ur opinions on this

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