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the beach was slightly chilly, but colby was there with me, and that was all that mattered. we were sat on the sand, which seemed to be warmer than anywhere else.
"c'mon, let's go to the sea!" i laughed, taking his hand as i stood up. he giggled and jumped up, following me.
"roll your jeans up," i grinned as we reached the salty blue water, rolling up my own. he bent over and rolled his jeans up to the top of his shins, standing back up straight once he did it. i laughed and grabbed his hand again, pulling him to the water. he was the first one to actually go into the water, i stayed back a step because it looked cold.
"c'mon, sam," he giggled, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the water with him.
"oh my god it's freezing!" i laughed, him giggling.
"i know, but it's fun!" he splashed his foot around as he spoke, the water hitting me briefly.


i'm sorry this is so shit and short but i'm taking a break from writing as i have really bad writers block atm, christmas is coming up and i'm super busy, i have close to no motivation at this moment in time and i need to focus on myself for a while. i love you all

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