¿ 12 ?

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i woke up honestly feeling like pure shit from yesterday. and i still had to go into work today, with jake. i checked the time and saw that i still had an hour until my alarm went off, and colby wasn't in his bed with me.
"colby?" i mumbled, opening my eyes properly. no answer.
"colbs?" i got out of bed, my joggers twisted on my leg from wriggling in my sleep. i quickly fixed it and hopped to the stairs, smelling something nice.
"colby?" i laughed, slightly confused as i walked down the stairs.
"it can't be a breakfast in bed if you're not in bed!" colby exclaimed, running to the stairs.
"i'm sorry for leaving you alone, too." he frowned.
"it's ok. and it was for a good cause. i can't go back to sleep, is it ok if i stay down here?" i mumbled, him hugging me.
"of course. i love you," he mumbled, squeezing me.
"i love you too," i kissed his forehead softly and smiled slightly, feeling alot better than i did five minutes ago. he let me go and continued making the food, me sitting on a bar stool next to him.
"how did you sleep?" he asked with a smile.
"it was ok. i kept waking up though, having dreams about yesterday," i sighed, putting my head in my hands.
"you should've woken me up," he frowned, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand softly.
"i know, you just looked so peaceful and i didn't wanna disturb your sleep," i frowned, leaning into his hand.
"it's ok. just wake me up next time," he kissed me softly, whatever was in a pan started to sizzle. he pulled away with a smile and got back to it, and i rested my head on my hand, watching him intently. i loved him, so so much.
"what are you actually making?" i asked, confused.
"bacon, eggs and ham," he explained. "i'm just doing the bacon now and then it's done."
"ok. thank you, by the way," i smiled, keeping my eyes plastered onto him.
"you're welcome," he giggled, finishing the bacon and putting it on my plate.
"breakfast is served," he grinned, giving me a kiss on the cheek before going to wash his hands. i had to admit, the food looked delicious. i grabbed a fork and dug in, the food somehow tasting even better than it looked.
"how is it?" colby asked, smiling proudly.
"it's actually really good. are you not gonna have any?" i asked, frowning.
"no, i'm gonna come to work with you because i don't have a shift today and i'll just sit in for a while and i'll have something then," he smiled and i grinned, hugging him.
"thank you," i whispered, almost inaudible.
"you're very welcome. i love you," he giggled, kissing my cheek gently.

"i'm gonna go talk to the boss. jake isn't here yet," i said shakily.
"it's gonna be ok, ok?" colby hugged me before i walked away, my hands shaking. my everything was shaking, if i'm honest. the cameras are on even when we aren't there, so there was video proof. i was fucking terrified, that was for sure.


sorry for not uploading for ages

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