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"this is taller than i imagined!" gage laughed, looking up at the huge blue statue.
"i know, right?" sam agreed, giggling.
"do you wanna go look at the water?" i asked, looking over my shoulder at it.
"yeah!" sam giggled, taking my hand and leading me over to it with gage a step behind us.
"gage could take some cute instagram photos," sam giggled quietly into my ear, kissing my cheek.
"you're right," i chuckled, kissing him softly and turning around to gage once we'd reached the barrier overlooking the water.
"could you take some insta photos for us?" i asked, smiling and holding my phone out.
"sure," gage tittered, taking the phone and standing back.
"what should we even do?" sam giggled, making me grin. gage took a picture.
"well what kind of pictures do you want?" he asked.
"romantic," me and sam said in unison, laughing.
"ok, then do something romantic. get closer, for one," gage laughed. me and sam were stood at least a foot apart. i took a step closer and placed my hands gently on his waist, both of us leaning in to kiss. we kept our lips millimetres apart without breaking eye contact, and gage took another few photos. finally, we kissed, and gage started giggling whilst taking the photos. i put my hand to the camera with my fingers spread, so you could still see us but not quite.
"you two are so fucking cute oh my god," he giggled, handing me my phone. i pulled away from sam and he was bright red, mostly because a ton of people were looking at us.
"y'all wanna go times square?" i asked, both gage and sam nodding and giggling.

"ok but like we have to take cute pics of you two here! on the stairs," gage giggled, pointing.
"i know, oh my god," sam giggled, clinging to my arm.
"let's go," i chuckled, seeing a ton of cosplayers and people dressed up as i lead the two boys to the iconic red staircase.
"ladies first," i grinned, letting sam go up first.
"shut up," he giggled, bouncing up the steps. his ass wiggled as he did, and i couldn't help but stare.
"stop staring, people are gonna notice," gage laughed, jogging up ahead of me. i frowned and kept going, until we got to the top.
"c'mere," i chuckled, putting my hands around the back of his neck and kissing him, gage already taking photos.
"o, m, g! you guys are so cute i cant!" gage giggled, staring at the pictures.

"i'm so tired," sam yawned loudly, looking up at the night sky as we walked. gage nodded in agreement. i noticed sam kept slowing and then having to run to catch up.
"sammy, c'mere," i chuckled, him lifting his head up with half-closed eyes. i opened my arms and he grinned sleepily, making grabby hands. i put my hands on the back of his thighs and picked him up, his arms and legs wrapped around me. he buried his head in my shoulder, being a little smaller than me, and kept his limbs wrapped tightly around me. gage took a couple pictures as we walked out of central park, sam falling asleep in my arms.
"is it ok if you drive, gage? i don't wanna disrupt him, he finds it difficult to sleep most of the time," i asked, gage nodding softly.
"pass me the keys," he smiled, quickly realising i couldn't pass him them.
"they're in this pocket," i explained, pushing my head to the left. gage scurried to the left of me and took the keys out of my pocket, sam still soundly asleep as we reached the car. gage opened and closed the door for me as quietly as he could. i sat down slowly with sam still in my arms, and he snuggled closer to me, smiling softly as he slept. i chuckled softly and kissed his forehead, beginning to play with his hair.

"i love you," sam giggled softly and sleepily. we'd just gotten out of the car, and he was half awake.
"i love you more. i think we need to get you to bed, baby," i chuckled, still holding him.
"mhmmm. lay with me," he giggled, his nose and hair tickling my neck.
"i was planning on doing so," i grinned, gage shutting doors quietly and sitting down on the sofa. i carried him to our bedroom and he kissed the side of my neck softly, giggling. i put him down on the bed and he immediately wrapped himself up in the covers.
"hang on, let me get you some joggers, you little rascal," i chuckled, unraveling the covers. he giggled and lifted his feet up so i could take his shoes off, which i did, and he took his clothes off, me passing him a pair of joggers.
"come lay with me," he whined, cuddling the covers.
"i will in a second, let me get changed baby," i chuckled, getting out of my clothes i'd worn out and just getting into bed in my boxers.
"you're warm," he giggled happily, cuddling up to me and slinging a leg over me.
"i love you. now go to sleep, it's late and you're tired," i laughed, kissing him softly.


i've not uploaded in forever OOPS.

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