¿ 19 ?

511 17 2

i sat up with a groan, the pain in my ass close to unbearable. and i had work today.
"goodmorning," sam chuckled, yawning.
"my ass hurts," i whined, laying back down carefully.
"damn, was it really that good?" he winked with a grin.
"yeah, it was," i giggled, hugging him.
"good," he kissed my forehead and i grinned, snuggling into him.
"i need to ring up work and tell them i'm ill, i can't go in like this," i rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from the bedside table and dialled the number, which i knew like the back of my hand.
"hello? uh, it's colby.. yeah, i've come down with a bug of some sort, i've been throwing up and all sorts, my head is pounding with this headache, everything hurts man. ok, thank you. ok, bye," i hung up, and it was over. i was out of work that day. and sam was too.
"i get to take care of you all day," sam chuckled, playing with my soft brown hair.
"yay," i giggled, the feeling of his fingers running through my hair relaxing.
"let me make you breakfast," he kissed me softly, his voice soft and husky.
"o-ok," i gulped, kissing him once more.
"what do you want to eat?" he smiled and moved away, standing up.
"i-i don't know. make me something you'll think i like. which is basically anything in my kitchen," i giggled, pulling him down for a last kiss before he skipped down the stairs.

"thank you for that," i kissed sam passionately, grinning. despite him having been in hospital, and having a massive bandage and dressing on his wrist, he was doing super well in his recovery. he had a month sick note off of the hospital for work, so he had time to work on his mental health.
"my pleasure," he grinned with a chuckle against my lips before going in for another. it was slowly getting a bit more heated, when there was a knock on the door.
"i'll get it," i rolled my eyes and pulled away slowly, grunting as i stood up. the pain was easing just a little, slowly. i limped to the door with sam a step behind me, and i opened the door. who i saw there, honestly shocked both of us.
"nope," i closed the door, sam looking in a state of shock.
"just hear us out, please!" one of the two yelled. i opened the door again and sam looked at the floor, a protective arm around my waist.
"you have sixty seconds," i snapped. the two men were brennen and jake.
"well.. we both know we've hurt you two, a-and we wanted to say that we're truly sorry, we know that it's just a word, and that you probably won't accept the apology.." brennen started.
"but we wanna just let you guys know that we really, truly do apologise for anything and everything we've ever done that has ever hurt you, even if it wasn't meant to. i'm sorry, sam," jake held out his hand and sam held back tears as he took a step back.
"o-ok," jake nodded understandingly and took a step back himself, putting his hand down.
"i'm sorry, colby. and you have a keeper there. the speech he gave me about laying off of you was pretty impressive," brennen said quietly, patting my arm softly. i saw sam's eyes dart to brennen's hand, then back to the floor.
"ok, well we'll see you guys at work," jake mumbled sadly and him and brennen walked away in silence. i closed the door with a frown and pulled sam into a hug, knowing him seeing jake would bring back all of the terrible memories.
"it's ok, it's ok," i whispered, playing with his blonde hair as we stood in each others embrace.


i wake up for school in 10.5 hours i'm not ok usually i'll fall asleep at 6:30 am ://///

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