¿ 11 ?

646 20 7

(possible tw: non-consensual touching)


"sam, we're going to have to lower your wage if you keep missing shifts," my boss spoke, sighing.
"what? i've only missed a couple!" i exclaimed.
"no.. you've missed almost ten in the last month. you need to get your game on and your priorities straight if you want to keep this job. if you miss a single shift this next month without a doctors note to prove that you're ill, the job's gone. understood?" he sighed again.
"understood," i muttered, folding my arms.
"now, get out of here and get to work," he tutted, me leaving the office. i didn't realised i'd missed that many.
"welcome back sammy," jake laughed, putting some ice into a cup.
"oh, shut up jake," i chuckled, nudging his shoulder gently.
"it's been so lonely here without you," he grinned, filling up the cup with water.
"as if people order water from here, it's pointless," i laughed, jake shaking his head.
"we'll never know," he laughed.

"i'll close up today," i mumbled, grabbing the keys off of a hook at the back.
"ok," jake grinned. i felt an arm push my hip into the wall as i walked to the door, and i froze up.
"what're you doing?" i opened my eyes widely, seeing jake's pink hair. he didn't say anything, and slid his hand around to my ass and tried getting his hand down my pants.
"what the fuck get off of me!" i yelled in disgust, pushing him away.
"i-i'm sorry," he mumbled, looking guilty.
"get out," i shoved him towards the door and he stumbled out, almost tripping. i locked the door behind him and put my head in my hands. what the fuck actually just happened? what would he have done if i didn't say anything? i practically ran down to the back door, leaving and locking up. i jumped in my car, driving away as quickly as possible.

"sammy!" colby exclaimed. he was waiting for me at the door at his house.
"h-hi," i mumbled, not even looking at him as he opened it.
"sammy?" he said, his mood audibly dropping at me being upset. my eyes began to water.
"sam, what's wrong?" he pulled me inside, closing the door behind me. i still didn't look at him, just looked at the floor.
"sam," he said sternly, putting a finger at the bottom of my chin. i looked at him sadly.
"sammy," he mumbled, pulling me into a hug. "what happened?" he asked, rubbing my back as he was a couple inches shorter than me.
"i-i- i don't know. j-jake was - a-and the b-boss-," i started, the tears starting to fall.
"shhhh, shh, it's ok. sit down, we can talk about it," he looked up at me with a caring gaze and a smile. i nodded and sniffled, sitting down. he sat next to me, holding my hand.
"what happened? take your time, you don't need to say everything at once, ok?" he said soothingly, massaging the back of my hand comfortingly. i explained how the boss yelled at me and told me that i might lose my job, how today was super slow and customers were rude, and then how jake.. did what he did.
"oh my god, sammy! you need to tell your boss," he exclaimed in horror, hugging me.
"i know, i just, i don't wanna get jake in trouble. he's my friend," i mumbled, holding him close to me.
"he touched you without consent, sam. imagine what he would've done if you didn't push him off," he said softly, stroking my hair. i nodded with a sniffle, hugging him tightly.


u know the vine where it says 'today my brother pushed me so i'm starting a kickstarter to put him down' that's me rn no cap.

coffee shop / solbyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu