¿ 15 ?

554 21 2

"sam, seriously, are you ok? you seemed so.. so distant," i said sadly over the phone.
"n-no c-colby i-i need you h-here there's s-so much b-blood, i c-can't i'm go- i'm gonna pass o-out," he panted, followed by a hollow thud.
"sam, what do you mean? sam? i'm on my way," i asked, getting no response. i jumped off of my couch and grabbed my car keys, running out to the car. i'd only just gotten home, and i was off out again. i was fucking terrified. i shouldn't have let him go home alone. i should've insisted i stayed with him. but how could i have known? he said he felt a ton better than yesterday. apparently not. my hands were shaking violently as i started driving, terrified of what i might see. a million thoughts crossed my mind in those short moments, but one stood above all.

what if he was dead?

i tried to block that one out, but it just kept coming back. what would i even do? i shook my head and concentrated on the road, noticing i was just two turns away from his place, in under two minutes.

i burst through the door, seeing just his normal place. no blood. but also no sam. my eyes flittered around the room, and set on his bedroom door. i raced over and opened the door, seeing a horrifying sight. i grabbed my phone and dialled 911, dropping to my knees next to him. i checked for a pulse, and, with much relief, there was one.
"sam?" i shook him gently, looking down at his arm - his wrist. my breath hitched in my throat and i let out a gasp. my eyes were glued to the spot as i grabbed a black towel that was laying on the floor, wrapping it around his arm and applying pressure.
"911, what's your emergency?" a woman's voice sounded over the phone.
"i-i need an ambulance, my boyfriend has c-cut his wrists, a-and he's unconscious, i-i don't know what to d-do, i'm applying p-pressure," i stumbled over my words, scared for his life. what if he died. on me. what if he died on my watch. it would be my fault.
"just give me an address and we'll send one your way," she said.
"um, (insert random address)," i mumbled.
"ok, stay on the phone, i'm gonna ask you some questions and give you some help. first of all, how deep are the cuts?"
"i-i don't know, uh they look p-p-pretty deep," i uncovered his arm, crying at the sight of his slaughtered arm.
"it hurts," sam whined, now in some sort of consciousness.
"oh my god he's just woken up, ok, what do i do now?" i let tears fall down my face.
"explain the situation to him, tell him an ambulance is on the way, it should almost be there now. i'm gonna leave you there, ok?" she said.
"ok, thank you."
"colby, i'm sorry," sam had tears streaming down his face, and he tried moving, causing more blood to gush out of his wrist.
"sam, i-i need you to stay still, ok? i need to hold pressure onto your w-wrist, there's an ambulance on the w-way," i sniffled, holding the towel against it.
"colby, it hurts, i'm sorry, i'm sorry," he squirmed, trying to pull his arm away.
"sam. stop it. if you want to fucking live, you need to co-operate. stay still," i lowkey snapped, sounding stern and angry. he looked at me with even more tears in his eyes, but he stayed still.
"i'm sorry - i shouldn't have snapped, i just-" i was cut off by a knock on the door, then people walking in.
"to the left," i yelled croakily, two paramedics walking in the room.
"what's the patients name?" a woman with short hair asked me.
"s-sam," i sniffled as she took the towel off of his arm and took a white cloth from the first aid kit her assistant had gotten out, pressing it against his wrist. he winced and i took his.. clean hand in mine, him squeezing it weakly.
"ok, sam, i'm gonna ask you some simple questions, is that ok?" she smiled. how could she be positive in a situation like this? sam nodded, squeezing his eyes shut and my hand as she wiped his arm down with a antiseptic wipe.
"what day is it, sam?"
"what month is it?"
"what's your boyfriend's name?"
"colby," he smiled softly at that, opening his eyes to look at me.
"ok, we're gonna take him to the hospital to get him all stitched up and get those wounds sorted. you can come with us, if you'd like," she offered.
"yeah, yeah i'll come with you," i looked at sam sadly. why had he done this?


in asda today there was a guy wearing a jumper with literally a picture of mia khalifa on the front and back and i was so confused. this chapter and the next and the one before this are really sad 🥺🥺

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