Year 1, chapter 5. I Told You So

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I held Harry's hand in the hospital wing, after hearing from Dumbledore I was worried. I may see Harry as a rival but he is still my blood. And we must always, even in jealousy, have each other's back's. Especially when Lord Voldemort is after us, even in mere death.

I let go of his hand, and walk to my last class, and that would be potions. It's been 3 months since the detention incident. And I feel I have not learned to tame my tongue. Along with professor Snape consistently ignoring me. Usually I let it go, but for some reason today I will not be denied.

I make it to potions class excellently five seconds late.
"Your late, Ms.Potter."
That's the first time this month he has spoken to me.
"Sorry, just checking on my brother, he is fine by the way thanks for asking."
"10 points from Slytherin." The members of Slytherin house groaned.

I smiled and sat down at my designated spot at the end of the table. I decided to use my wand to gather the ingredients and technically that's a third-year ability, however I'm that talented. Or really just trying make Snape tick.

My wand flies out of my hand. Oh finally a reaction.
"I Didn't give you permission to use your wand in this class Miss Potter."
"Ah but I can use it and make a darn good potion, if I say so myself." I said with all the confidence in the world.
"Your testing my patience." He said sternly.
Everyone in the room is staring at me, and Professor Snappy-Pants.
I smirk. "Somebody has too, mind as well be me."

I stand and look at everyone in the room. "Because it's apparent that I'm the only with a backbone to do so." I said looking him dead in the eye.
"Detention after class, Potter." He said slamming a book down on his desk.
"Of course Professor." I smile innocently.

While I finish cleaning up after my potion, and dare I say it was done to absolute perfection. Even Snape grumble to himself. because he didn't have anything bad to say about it. Class dismissed leaving me and Professor Snappy-Pants all alone. In all honesty I come to admire him, even if he is grumpy and mean.

"Thank you for giving me detention."
He looks up at me, I don't know wether he wanted to strangle my neck, or simply just kill me.
"I can't tell if there is something seriously wrong with you, or your being ironic."
I shrug. "Probably a bit of both."

He gets up from his desk.
"You wanted detention, are you that desperate for attention, Potter?" He asked.
I could tell a lie, or stick to the truth decisions, decisions.
"Desperate wouldn't be my word of choice,sir."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Then perhaps your just an arrogant fool, because you are without a doubt acting with desperation."

Honestly I just need to say what needs to be said, so he understands.
"I just wanted to talk to you."
He narrows his eyes. "Why on earth would you want to do that?"
I sigh. " Believe it or not I'm actually like talking to you, because you don't put me in a fantasy world, you're real, and you're not afraid to say what needs to be said."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is...I admire you."
He looks at me and in a way that says he's never received such an honor, and/or complement. That is what bothered me. To the point tears swelled in my eyes.
"And yes I'm desperate and arrogant, but only because it gets you to speak to me, even if it's in a negative light."

To say Snape was shocked would be a monumental understatement, his facial expression was beyond confused. He couldn't speak, he didn't even seem to breath.
"I just needed you to know that it has been fun, as well as inspiring to learn from you this year, I hope next year I've learned a better decorum of respect."

"I'm inclined to agree." He spoke softly, more so than normal and He continue to stare in confusion. As well, a tear Finally escaped one of my eyes. "Have a good summer Professor."

"Oh and by the way I never believed you tried to steal the sorcerers  stone." And thats when I started to walked out.
Even  though he didn't give me permission to leave. I left anyways. Besides I didn't want him to see me cry again. For him to think I was just a pathetic little girl who had no strength.


I sat on the bench in the great hall, when Ivory comes storming in. She grabs my hands.
"Guess who won the house cup even though you lost us the most points.
"Slytherin." I said kind of excitedly.
Ivory then starts dancing around,
"We won the house cup, we won the house cup, did I say that already?" She stops dancing, and puts a hand on the side of her left ear.

"Maybe you didn't hear me but guess what, we won the house cup." I place a hand on ivory's shoulder.
"Please stop gloating before
Karma comes back and bites us in the you know what." I said with all seriousness.

"I'm inclined to agree with you Rosabel, we need to keep the winning streak going."
Tristan said that, as he sits across from me, and I smile shyly.
"Your blushing Potter."
"Always pointing out the obvious, aren't you Tristan." I say teasingly
He smirks. "I do my best, what can I say."

"Harry!" I scream, as I got from the bench and ran to my brother, then I punch his arm.
"Owww! what was that for?"
I glare at him.
"That Harry, was for not taking me with you on your little adventure, along with giving me a heart attack."

Then I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug,
"And that was for?"
I smile. "Making it out alive, good to have you back."
He nods in agreement. "Glad to be back."
"Oh and harry, I told you so" I turned quickly heading back to my seat.

"Attention, it time to announce the winners of the house cup."
Dumbledore words brought silence to the great hall.
"As you all know Slytherin has the most points, however there are still some points needed to be rewarded."

I never thought I cared much about the house cup, not until what just took place. Gryffindor beat us, when we should've won. It was all because of my brother and silly little friends. I take a glance at Ivory who looks like she's about to blow a Gasket, and I don't blame her. This is uncalled for and not fair. Because my brother is the chosen one, one day they will all see what  I'm  truly capable of.

Later we said our goodbyes to everybody. It's kind of funny how odd it felt leaving. I've become very fond of Hogwarts, and now I believe it to be my home. But I guess I can think going back to the Dursley's, is just a horrible summer vacation. For now I wait eagerly for my second year of Hogwarts.

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