Year 2, chapter 9. Fear.

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I throw a book on the floor, I keep searching for information on the chamber. Of course any information would be in the restricted section, or not here at all because Hogwarts likes its secrets. That's when I saw Hermione.

I normally don't talk to her because I find her to be a bit of a know it all. Not that I don't like someone who is knowledgeable and smart like Ebony. I just know Hermione is a pain. Plus I don't wanna be told that I am not doing something properly by a Gryffindor.

But in this case, I think I can handle this, I approach her.
"Hi Hermione," I said almost anxiously. I shake my head, if I can handle Snape, Hermione should be a walk in the park.

She looks up from her book.
"Oh, um hello Rosabel." She looks back at her book.
"What are you reading about?" It looked interesting particularly when there was a snake in the middle of the page.

Hermione shakes her head.
"Nothing important." I sense the nervousness in her voice.
"You're a terrible liar Granger." She rips the page from the book, and glares back at me. If Snape sneer can't cause a reaction from me, nor can she I told myself. "Why don't you mind your own business, Slytherin." She grabs a mirror and walks away from me.

Touchy much Miss Granger I thought. All of a sudden the library is deathly quiet, and I mean more so than normal.
Then I hear clear as day an unusual hissing noise to a point where you could call it a growl.
I felt different, weird like I was being watched and according to that odious noises I was.

I turn to see an of a large serpents tail, I back away extremely slowly, and extremely quiet. I go down and hide under a table. I didn't move a muscle, after I put a hand over my mouth, so nothing could hear my frantic breathing.

I heard a scream and it sounded like Hermione's and second later, a plop on the ground could be heard. I waited a second or two hoping that the monster was gone. Since I couldn't hear anything, I got out from underneath the table moved to the exit of the library.
I gasp, I see Hermione on the floor petrified. I knelt beside her, I noticed the ripped piece of paper from the book in her hand. I took it from her, and read it.

My skin turns white as snow, cold sweat started to drip from my forehead. My breathing became erratic, and my heart beating faster than any drummer known to man. I put the paper pack in her cold hand. I ran, as fast as my feet could carry me.

I didn't see where I was going, I didn't care. If there's something in front of me I tried to move past it.
I don't think I've ever known such fear. Maybe when Voldemort killed my parents. but was I too young to remember the exact feeling?

As I'm running I see a figure dressed in black, I know then and there it is Snape. Without hesitation I slow down a bit and wrap my arms around him. His whole body stiffened at my touch.

"Miss Potter?" I shake my head and let the tears of fear fall freely. I have to ask myself again why am I always crying in his presence. Doesn't matter what matters is what I saw, and what is going to happen from here. Still holding tightly on to him I speak.

"I saw the basilisk, then Hermione screamed, and then...she...she was petrified on the floor."
I finally I take a breath, and look up at Snape he looks worried. Something I don't usually see.
I try to reach out to touch his face, but that's when my whole world starts to fade, slowly into nothing but darkness.

I feel something on my forehead, then my cheek. I try to open my eyes, but they continue to fall back shut. But before they closed, I saw him, in all black robes walking away. My fear slowly disappears as I fall back into the world of the black void.

I shoot up from the bed, I appear to be in the hospital wing.
I get out of bed and run to the Slytherin common room.
At least this time I'm not blinded by fear. I finally reach the house dormitory. Hopefully Ivory, hell even Tristan was here. Thankfully I was in luck, Ivory looking over a magazine of sorts. She immediately sees me and puts the magazine down. "Rosabel, I'm glad you're alright." She pulls my robe as usual, and gives me a big bear hug.

"I was so worried about you, when I saw Professor Snape carrying you in his strong arms, I thought you done for."
I look at her questionably. "He carried me to the..."
"Yes, it was kinda cute actually, watching the grumpy one, look worried as he looked down at you with some emotion on his face."
I smiled at the way she describe the situation.

"I almost can't picture Snappy-pants doing such a thing."
She laughs. "I agree, I would say you have to be there to believe it, or in your case conscious."
I chuckle, then it dawned on me why I'm here. "Ivory I got to tell you something important."

She cocks her head, intrigued to see where this goes. "I'm all ears."
I sigh. "I know what the monster is in the chamber."
Her eyes got big, to the point I think they might pop out.
"Whoa, how did you figure it out, tell me." She tugs on my sleeves in excitement.

"The creature is a basilisk, a giant snake or serpent-like creature that has huge yellow glowing eyes.
If you look into them you'll be killed." Ivory lets go of my sleeve.
"Then how does it get around, and why is nobody dead."

"I believe it's uses the pipes... As for why everybody's not dead." I think about it for a second.
"The Gryffindor kid saw the beast with his camera, Hermione had a mirror, Hufflepuff boy saw it through sir Nicolas. And miss Noris saw the basilisks reflection in the water."

"All students report to your house dormitories at once, all teachers report to the second-floor corridor immediately."  I look at Ivory, she nods her head thinking exactly what I'm thinking.

Once again I find myself running, In this case, it's the second-floor corridor. I stop to hide behind a wall. Snape and McGonagall are the first to arrive. Then a few others. They say a girl has been taken to the chamber, I can even see a concerned look on professor Snape face.

And now it looks like Professor Lockhart is going to be finding her how could they be so daft.
They probably just joking they're gonna look themselves as well, they have to because they can't rely on him. No I will go, somehow, someway I will find The entrance to the chamber of secrets and save Ginny Weasley.

Thanks for reading!!! 🙂😉😊

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