Year 7, chapter 31. Change

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🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤I thought I had a choice, but my path is clear

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I thought I had a choice, but my path is clear. I was supposed to hunt down Horcruxes. But I simply can't for Severus Snape is the headmaster Hogwarts. I must witness this madness, even if maims my heart.

But my brother, Hermione and Ron went looking for them after the Death Eaters attacked Bill's and Fleur's wedding. I actually was invited, but I decided not to attend. I did however stay at The Burrow, for that is where I thought it would be a safe place to stay.

But once again trouble always follows us, but this time I'm alone through it all. I take a seat on the train, and immediately I feel off. Something in the air makes my stomach turn. I noticed Ebony And Ivory are not in their normal section. Well I expect Ebony not to be here. for she graduated last year. But Ivory? I'm a little concerned. I then noticed Ginny and Neville, well I hope they will say no if I to seat with them.

"Can I seat with you guys?"
Ginny smiles, Neville looks confused, both Dean and Shamus looked angry. I was about to say never mind till Ginny pulls my arm. "Of course."

I sit, somewhat awkwardly, but I smile all the same. "Are you sure you want HER, sitting with us?"
Shamus said with malice.
Ginny waves her hand. "Oh I'm sure I'll be all right, and don't question me again."
Ginny smiles at me, trying to look confident. It would seem she's trying to size up to me, or make me feel little. I'm not gonna lie that's how I feel right now, like a tiny little nothing.

"Have you heard from Harry?"
I looked over at Ginny who seems concerned for his well-being, isn't that sweet I thought. But now that she mentions it, I haven't heard from him. That makes the butterflies in my stomach much worse.

"No I haven't," I say as nonchalantly as possible.
She snorts. "I thought you would care enough to go find out, your such a Slytherin."
And here I thought the great Ginny Weasley was beyond two-year-old insults. Guess I was wrong, wouldn't be the first time, unfortunately.

"Well if you apparently cared for him enough, why haven't you gone figure it out," I said with confidence, trying to appear
unphased by her earlier comment.
She just glares at me, the puts on a fake grin.

"Whatever, lets just not talk about Harry." Yes let's not talk about him, for I feel like my stomach will throw itself up if we don't.

After a long while staring at the window and ignoring the Gryffindor's conversation. The trains abruptly stop jolting a lot of us forward.
"Not again," I said in annoyance.
Last time this happened it was raining, it was my third year at Hogwarts and it happened to be a dementor attack. I shudder to think what it could be now.

I hold my breath, realizing that's not actually calming me down. So I let it go and try to relax. Then the door opened reviling two death eaters. That's when my heart seemed to stop, so much for trying to relax.

Then Neville stands up, I'm actually kind of proud of his bravery. Just like a true Gryffindor.
"Hey losers he isn't here!"
I try not to look suspicious, but they didn't seem to mind me, as they left the train.
"Neville, thank you."

He nods. "Don't mention it."
I sigh in relief, I have a really bad feeling about all this. But I can't focus on the negative, for the would bring overabundance of depression. And who wants that?

The train starts moving again, and the ride continues. Now it's only a matter of time before we arrive at Hogwarts. In which means I better brace myself for the encounter of the one and only, new Headmaster... Severus Snape.

Fog surrounds the magnificent Castle, and because of this everything is damp giving off a sense of gloom. I get off the train, I noticed right away that Hagrid is not there. Eventually the fogs seeps through my skin, causing my clothes to become damp.
A slight breeze brushes past the crowd, I shiver in response while crossing my arms to hold in some body heat.

Two people who look like that got into a horrible accident comes up to us. They are dressed in black and they appear to look similar in features.
"Everyone form in groups of there own houses. Those who are not sorted go with Alecto Carrow, now!"

None expected this, my intuition told me I better listen for now. For these two have a dark aura around them, and it seems they won't hesitate to torture anybody who defies them.
Better tame my tongue I thought as I gather with the other Slytherin's. I don't see Draco nor Ivory, kinda expected such. Sense Lord Voldemort now has him on the list to become a full-fledged loyal death eater. And I bet Ivory probably went into hiding for her family wanted to keep her safe this year. That thought alleviates my concern for the time being.

I sigh as we literally march to the great hall, I fear if I step one foot out of line I would be tortured. Not that I'm not used to such methods by now. I just prefer to stay alive and tortured-less if nobody minds.
But I have a feeling these death eaters will find every excuse in the book to inflict such immoral actions.

We reach the grand entrance, I notice in far left in one of the towers Snape staring down at us all. I look at with discontentment, for this is not how you run a school. But I have a feeling that this not what he wants, and he is being forced to uphold such affliction. My heart then starts to ache, I honestly cannot think about him now. For it only be a distraction. And that's the last thing for me to be experiencing.

I continue to walk into the great hall, but dread creeps into my bones. Everything that I knew and loved has changed for the worse.
The magical ceiling is gone. The room is dimly lit. And It's freezing in here as well. I wonder what else we will find that is new or missing?

I sigh, I will not let this affect me, besides I have stuff I need to accomplish. One being able to make sure Harry is heading in the right direction. But I believe I will have to wait for something big to happen. Besides I bet he doesn't know what he is doing, he probably flying off by the seat of his pants.

That's very typical of my brother, so I am as of late. But I do have a plan, well sort of and most likely not a good one. The moment I hear news of my brother I will seek him out. I will help him finish this Horcrux business, and once and for all kill the dark lord of the wizards and witches.

Or so help Merlin or god, I will find a way to destroy him myself. And mark my word anybody who tries to stop will pay the price. Even Severus, who I feel will put up a front but ultimately let me succeed in Voldemort's destruction.
However if it comes to me and him, I fear I might not have the same attitude as I have in this very moment. That's what terrifies me, my emotions blocking the duty I must do.
End of year 7, chapter 31 change.

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