Year 7, chapter 32. Expect The Unexpected.

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 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍I never thought there would've been a day in my life that I would say that Hogwarts is hell on earth

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I never thought there would've been a day in my life that I would say that Hogwarts is hell on earth. But here we are, stuck inside a nightmare.

I twiddle my thumbs in nervousness, as I think of my future, and my brother. I haven't heard a word from him or even about him. As he is the most wanted wizard in our world. So many disappearing victims, some I know to be innocent. I fear that my brother will be one of them if this chaos doesn't stop soon.

I should say anywhere for us is hell on earth when the dark lord is on the move. I'm quite surprised I haven't been taken in yet myself.
For the death eaters inside this once magnificent stone structure know who I am. Maybe I'm not a threat? There delusional to think so.

I finally get up off the couch, I shiver for they keep dungeons even colder than before. I made my out of there, maybe I can talk to Severus. Ask him what is truly going on, or better yet give me permission to leave so I can search for these Horcruxes.
I should have been doing that in the first place but, if I learned anything shite doesn't always go as planned.

I'm heading in his direction, I noticed the death eaters keeping a tighter guard than at the beginning of the year. I roll my eyes, they really need to loser up a little. Then again failure to disappoint can be your immediate death.

When I reach the eagle platform, I realize the password had changed. So I give it a message asking to speak to him. But after a while of just standing there I forced myself to seek answers elsewhere. I started to head back to the Slytherin dungeon. Then I jump back from something spontaneously flying in my face.

It would seem to be a passage from the daily prophet. I grab the paper and hastily head back to the dorms so I could look at the article in private. I reach the door, but another curious sight is spotted in my emerald eyes.

"Who there? Mr. Carrow? Severus?" I speak in a slightly worried tone. I pull out my wand and I have at the ready. Then when I felt a soft and slender hand being placed around my mouth.

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