Year 4, chapter 19. Sleeping with the fishes.

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Harry has not come and told me about the next task. That doesn't concern me too much. It is more so that he has been so distant. And that's probably because I showed so much animosity forwards him about the choosing. Still I'm his sister, so I slowly get out of bed, put on my lavender fluffy slippers. And a matching robe to keep warm, as I slip out of the dormitory.

I walk the spiral staircase, keeping myself light on my feet.
So far so good, I made it this far.
I keep moving to the humongous double wooden doors to exit outside. Tis not snowing, but it's like a freezer here. I jump in the air, my black wings form and once again I'm in the air.

I soar around The exterior of the castle, then fly forwards Harry window. Where I perch myself, it's odd how innocent he looks in his sleep. But that's when he starts to stir. Sweat starts to form, here looks like he's having a nightmare. I don't want to see his distress, so I fly to the entrance.

I turn back into a human to open up the doors. I try hastily make it back to the dormitory, at least I made past the staircase, now it's time to...

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I spun around. "Lumos," I said as my wand lights up. I look up to see the dark mysterious eyes of Professor Snape, shite I thought.
"Potter, strutting about the castle I see."

"Walking, but yes I went to see my brother, then halfway there I realized I don't know The password." I lied a little.
"Not stealing from my private stock then." A raise en eyebrow. "Why would I do that, when I could just ask you, like always ."
Face remains expressionless. "Fear of me saying no."

"In which we have boomslang skin, lacewing flies..."
"I have no interest in making polyjuice potion sir, however, I know my brother used it his second year, he might know about that."
"How typical of you to blame your brother." It almost sounded like a growl.
I roll my eyes. "Not blaming, suggesting, if you're going to insult me do it right." Oops I did it again, is there a spell I can use to sew my mouth shut when he's near.

"Miss Potter, I do believe you rather fancy cleaning cauldrons."
For once Snape got me, and I truly don't know how to respond.
"I think I do, I guess tomorrow then." I smile nervously.
He scowls "No. Now."

He grabs my arm and pulls into the potions room. I stumble, I close my eyes ready to hit the hard stone floor. But instead strong arms wrap around my waist. My mouth is agape, as staring into the black orbs of Snape.

The eye staring is becoming a very familiar thing as of late. But I can't help it. I've never known anybody with such dark eyes, and I honestly never thought I could find them this captivating. After that though, he lets me go.

"Your such a clumsy girl." He said in an annoyed tone.
I blush, rather fiercely. I back away from him, and then turn away. I don't want him to see me like this.

"What's wrong now." He sounded a tad concerned. I don't know what's wrong, but I need to go. "I'm sorry, the professor you have to excuse me I will clean the cauldrons double time tomorrow." I ran so fast out of his room that I'm sure I gave a cheetah a run for its money.

I don't think I've been so embarrassed in my life. I don't understand why I was affected by it.  Maybe it's because I realize my feelings, great now I really feel like a lovesick teenager.
I flop on the bed, hoping for a dreamless sleep.

I'm sitting in potions class, making the Amortentia love potion, honestly, I don't know why we're making it but here we go.  Snape clears his throat.
"Can anyone tell me what the Amortentia potion smells like?" He looks around, not one person raises there hand.
Well I raise my hand, for once without being Army volunteered.
"Yes, Miss Potter."

"Amortentia does not have a specific smell, in fact the odor only holds the scent of the person of who the brewer or holder fancies." He nods, As he walks over to my table. He looks at the color.
Then he walks away, I almost wanted him to sniff it.

"Miss Potter, your brew is done correctly, take a whiff and tell what you smell."
I'm nervous and sightly shy to do this. I lean over my cauldron and sniff.

"I smell sandalwood, with a mix lemon, and a hint of dusty parchment."  I blushed knowing all to well who it smelt like.
I look up at Snape, who has an intense expression. In fact, I can't describe it. It's a mix of so many emotions. Which I may conclude is very rare.

"May I ask what you smell professor?"  The whole class goes, "ooooooohhhhhhh."
"Silence!" He demands, and everybody shuts up. He walks over to my cauldron. I wonder who it is he fancies. He takes his hand and moves in a circular motion, bringing the odor to his roman nose.

His eyes shut, he shakes his head. "This can't be right" he whispers. He tries again and this time he backs away. He stares at me, and I gulp. ok what did I do now I thought.
"Class is dismissed early no questions just get out." He may have not have yelled that but there was a certain discontent in his voice that concerns me.

"Except you." he pointed to me.
Once everybody left I was alone once again. "Your job is to clean every cauldron in this room, I want them spotless."
His fist clenched, brows farrowed, body tense.

I have never seen him this angry before. To be honest I didn't say anything and I didn't want to push any issues, I just did what I was told for the first time in my existence with him.

It's freezing I thought as I cough up some water. I turn to see a girl next to me struggling to swim. "Hold on I got you" as I swim with her in my arms to the floating docks.
I'm helped up by various people, and so was Fleur sister, apparently was the girl who couldn't swim.

As I have a towel put around me I noticed Harry wasn't up. Instead of sitting down freezing to death. I get up and approach Dumbledore. "Sir is Harry..."
Then Harry shoots out of the Blacklake like a flying fish, onto the dock.

"Harry!" I scream as I rush down to hug him. "You got to stop doing this to me." That's when Professor Moody pushes me away. How rude I thought. But I did appreciate Dumbledore checking on him though. Then Fleur thanking him.

I stand next to Harry awaiting to see who won, obviously Cedric he came first. Then Harry came in second because he saved two lives. He did perform admirably in doing so. I however want to just be warm and dry and forget this task ever happened. I say goodbye to harry and I'm the first one on the boat.

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