Year 5, chapter 25. Hello darkness my old friend.

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once more I'm in Professor Umbridge's office. Because Harry Hermione and I decided to use the Floo network to save Sirius.
I was completely against the idea, and now I'm paying for it.
However Luna, Ron, Neville and Ginny are here too. Being held at wand point, while watching me being interrogated.

I felt a sting across my face, the wretch slapped me.
Just as it happens again the door opened. My eyes light up when I see Snape in the doorway.
"You sent for me?"
My eyes may be lit up because of his presence, but they are pleading for help all the same.

"Ah Snape, It's time for answers. whether she wants to give them to me or not, Have you brought Veritaserum?" My eyes widen in shock, god if you have to lie Severus please do.

"I'm afraid you used up all my stores interrogating the students, the last of it used on Miss Chang."
Oh thank Merlin and all that's holy. "I can not help you."
He turns to walk away, it's now or never.

"He's got Padfoot, he has Padfoot in the place that's hidden."
I cry out. Snape's turns around, A almost unnoticeable intrigue showed on his face.
Professor Umbridge looks back- and- forth between Snape and me.

"Padfoot? What does she mean about Padfoot in the place that's hidden?" He shrugs his shoulders, and as a fake confused look on his face. "No idea." He looks at me one more time, I nod my head just slightly. Then he turns on heel and walks out. I pray he does something with this information.

"Well, then you leave me no choice, Miss Potter."
She pulls out her wand, what the devil is she thinking.
"I will have to use the Cruciatus curse."

My eyes go wide, why does everyone want to torture me, it must be my pretty face. I smile slightly at the thought, but then I screamed in agony as her wand pointed at with the curse.
I looked at the faces of the others, every single person in the room has a shocked expression on their face.

"Tell me now!" She continues the curse. I continue to scream, because that's all she's going to get out of me. Even if the agony is excruciating. "I've been tortured by Voldemort himself, you're nothing." I spatted out through my cries.

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