Chapter thirty-two: Death and Pain

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Y/n's POV

It all happened so fast that I could barely process everything. One minute my whole family which was, mom, dad, Caitlyn, Chloe, Nayeon and me were having a family bonding when My dad started to feel pain in his heart.

I called the ambulance ofcourse. When they have arrived they told us Dad needs to be rushed to he hospital immidiately. My ears must of heard wrong when one of the paramedics said dad was going into shock.

My own heart was beating fine and I wasn't freaking out or anything. I stayed standing when everyone was a mess. Mom was crying badly when we were inside the ambulance.

It was too much to process in my head that I couldn't even cry.

When we did arrive my dad had his eyes close and was rushed to the er. Which unfortunately we weren't allowed to go in.

"Hey...? You okay? Y-You've been staring at the floor for a few minutes now." Caitlyn said besides me and I couldn't even talk.

I overheard Chloe talking to someone on the phone, something about coming here and saying I wasn't looking alright.

I didn't mind and just tried my best to feel something. My mind always leads me to space when I think of my dad I couldn't feel shit which makes me nervous.

"Y/n..." Someone was calling me, raising her voice so I can snap out of trance.

"Hey.." This time a soft voice grabbed my attention then I realised it was jihyo who seemed tired and looks like she had cried.

When I saw her my emotions came back to me in a flash that I stood up and remembered why we're here.

"No..." I said my voice breaking and my legs giving up on me. I crashed on the floor with my tears flowing like a waterfall.

I felt caring arms hold me. "Shh... You're okay." Jihyo said and wiped my tears from my face.

"I-I can't do t-this..." I said stuttering and my heart has never felt so broken before. Not physically but emotionally. I was suprised to find out that I haven't felt anything physically.

"It's alright, It's alright. I'm here, you're alright." Jihyo said trying to calm me down. I didn't care if people saw me crying on the floor looking at me weirdly.

"Your dad will be alright. He just got shocked." She said once more making me a little bit calm and okay.

Jeongyeon was also here and saw her running to Nayeon who was crying ever since at the house.

Jihyo just hugged me and whenever she would loosen her arms around me I would tell her no and she would hugged me tightly our heads touching.


No one's POV

"Mrs. Im?" One of the surgeon assigned to Matthew called out in which Elizabeth stood up.

"Yes?" Her voice was too depressed and worried. The surgeon had sympathy for her.

"Your husband was lucky to be brought here in time. We managed to save him before he got into permanent sleep. But I must warn you, His heart is ready to give out soon. Surgery is not an option because his body is weak and fragile. He might not even surving the first step in surgery..." The doctor said straightly but Eli looked at him confused.

"W-what are you trying to say doc?" She hesitantly asked and the surgeon lets out a deep sigh before looking her in the eye.

"Your husband won't survive another day. I'm sorry Miss Im, I'll leave you for a second. You can go in his room. But don't wake him up to not stress his mind."

After hearing the news everyone had their own reactions.

Elizabeth just broke down crying, Caitlyn consoled her even though she was crying also.

Chloe tried her best to not cry and act strong but she couldn't handle the pain and just cried her hands covering her face.

Nayeon let's out a whisper 'No.' and hugged her girlfriend. She was in too much pain that she could hardly breathe.

Y/n let's out a shaky breathe and stood up leaving the scene. Jihyo followed her quickly before her girlfriend can do anything she would regret.

"Y/n." Jihyo said trying her best to stop y/n.

"Hey." Jihyo held her arm for her to stop. Y/n was crying badly and she didn't want Jihyo to see her in this state.

"Leave Jihyo... I don't want you to see me so broken." Y/n said and shrugged Jihyo's hold over her before continuing walking to the roof.

Jihyo couldn't just let y/n go. She loved y/n and she can never leave now.

When the both of them reached the roof Jihyo immidiately hugged the crying girl. Backhugging her.

"It's fine.. What kind of girlfriend am I if I just leave you to cry alone in despair?" Jihyo asked and she cried and hugging the latter.

"I can't do this Jihyo... I-I just got him back I can't lose him again!" She shouted angrily but also sadly.

Y/n can already see what's going to happen. Her dad's going to die and she will forver be curse to cry and be in pain all the time. All those times her dad would hurt her emotionally was already gone. All she could see was her dad laughing and caring so much for her daughter.

"You should talk to him y/n... You can say goodbye." Jihyo whispered and y/n will do that. But she's not going to go to her father crying.

He would remind her not to cry anymore, because it kills him to see his daughter cry because of him. He already hurt her, he's not going to let her get hurt again. That's what he thought.

"Now.." Jihyo pulled away from the hug and looked deeply into y/n's.

"Go talk to your father. I would wait outside the room." Jihyo wiped the tears from y/n's eyes so she could see clearly.

"Tell him you love him. Everything your heart wants to say because it's the last time..." Jihyo said and y/n nodded kissing her girlfriends' cheek as a sign of thank you.


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