Welcom to the 99

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You have just been transferred to your new precinct, you have been out of the academy for two years. Ever since you were a kid you wanted to become a detective and this was just one more step to your dream. You just got out of your car in the parking garage and started heading towards the precinct. As you were walking you accidentally walked into someone, spilling their coffee everywhere.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" You asked
"I'm fine." Said the stranger, she had dark curly hair that framed her face beautifully and a slit on her eyebrow.
"Are you sure, I'm so sorry here's money for a new coffee and shirt if that's ruined"
"Oh uh, thanks" she said
You continued walking as to not stay in that awkward situation any longer than you have to. Mean while Rosa stood there confused on what just happened and wondering who that new person was.
You walk in the building and head to the offices, where you were told to meet your new sergeant. You were waiting for five minutes before you hear,"Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in paperwork—"
    You turn around and see a familiar face, your moms best friends daughter and your childhood best friend Amy Santiago.
    "Y/n? Is that you? It's been forever give me a hug!"
    "Wait you finally made sergeant?"
    "Yeah, I got it a few months ago."
     You moved out of the hug  and held her hands infront of you.
    "I'm so proud of you!tell me everything!"
    "Thank you, and I will when we go on break but for now we need you to settle in."

      A few hours later Amy came up to your desk,"Hey, so detective Diaz needs some uniform officers to come down to her crime scene, and I think it's a good idea if we go together"
    You get into Amy's police car and head to the scene. 
    "So y/n... how are you and brad?" Amy asked 
    You signed," we're doing better since the last time we talked,"
     "Is he still...you know? Drinking?"
      "Yeah, but let's move on from that, please... Soo how are you and Jake?"
       " we're doing really good and he keeps asking when game night will be again."
      "I miss our game nights, but ever since I met brad he's been against us hanging out."
       " we will talk about this later but for now we're here"
    The place was an very nice upscale jewelry store that sold very unique and expensive jewelry . You walked in and saw the girl you had bumped into earlier with a new coffee.
    "I'm detective Diaz. I need you to go patrol 5th street, we believe that the suspect is heading that way. He has black hair, tall, wearing a grey hoodie with a rose tattoo on his face. She was straight to the point, there was no wasting time with her.

You and Amy walked over there and tried your best to blend in. All of a sudden you make eye contact with a man that fits the description perfectly. As soon as he saw you and Amy he took off running. You immediately started running towards him with Amy behind you. You notice a short cut ,"hey Ames keep going this way I'm gonna go around and try and trap him."
You turn down the alley way and started running, this perp had avoided the cops for months and you refused to let him get away on your first day at the 99. You turn a corner and see the street. As you're nearing the end of the alley way you see the perp and tackle him.
"Your under arrest for armed robbery "  you hear Amy say.  You hand cuff him and put him in the car. 
"Hey y/n, can you radio in and tell Rosa we got him and are taking him back to the precinct"
"Hello detective Diaz we got the perp and we're taking him into the precinct."
"Great, can you guys taking him into the interrogation for questioning when I get there"
"Yeah, no problem"

   When you guys get there and manage to get him into integration which was quite difficult considering how much he tried to escape.
"Hey, good job newbie maybe after I'm done asking him question we can all go on break and get lunch?" 
"uhh" you look over at Amy to see if she approves.      " Yeah  that'll be nice"
"y/n, head back downstairs and finish up with some paperwork I need to ask Rosa something Important."
You nod your head and head down back to your area
"Rosa, what was that"
"What? Invited you guys to lunch"
"Rosa I've known you for years, you don't normally warm up that quickly to people"
"You're being ridiculous, I'm always that nice and o have a girlfriend . Now let me go get that guys confession"
"Fine but I'll make you admit it"

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